As you clear blockages/stress in the etheric field, what's in your heart begins to show up automatically.
So, even though we're living in complicated times, with various forms of violence, hate, greed - chemicals in our air/food/water, EMF, media programming, families falling apart, and so on-
remember the law of polarity.
Namely- there's a positive for every negative. So, supplemental tools have been developed that help us manage all this stress. We can end up being even more powerful than we would have been without these challenges.
It may take some financial resources to have the tools needed, but it's well worth the investment.
However, the daily energy clearing group is just $27 a month. It's an in-depth daily daily session with the SRC.. You won't find anything comparable for under $99 a month. In fact, even one-time sessions such as the group gets daily can run into the hundreds.
If a person wants their own SRC software, that's an investment of $2500 and up, depending on which version is desired. But, it can be financed at 0% interest.
Because of interest accumulating like it does, I personally recommend you not put ANYTHING on a credit card unless you know you're paying it off in 30 days. After all, we're doing stress management, and credit card bills are stressful!
If you don't have the cash available- develop the skills to manifest it.
This can be done with the mind, which was designed to be our servant. Ironically- there's that law of polarity again - it can also end up being our #1 obstacle.
This is because the mind is formed from what's already happened...and what's HAPPENED is that we've all been programmed in ways that cause us to be unaware of our power.
For example, science can now demonstrate there are dimensions to reality. We tune in to various dimensions depending on our personal voltage.
What you want is ALREADY THERE, but maybe not on your STATION- yet.
In fact, the statement “faith can move mountains” is referring not to literally moving a mountain, but increasing voltage/consciousness to a dimension where there is no mountain!
But we are programmed to believe this present reality is all there is.
THIS program blocks abundance. (Also, there's COLLECTIVE programming such as what we get from families, religion, cultures, nations, and so on.)
For most people, there's great resistance to clearing such programming.
But if you're reading this, you're not most people.
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