Cathy's Blog

Monday, April 23, 2018


DEATH BY DETOX? by Cathy D. Slaght

If you want to stay healthy- my opinion- study what our protective governmental bodies say- and then do the opposite.

This isn't an across the board statement, but IS something to think about. For example, the food pyramid seems to be backwards.

A few other points of reference-

The “don't eat salt” command has turned out to cause all kinds of physical problems. When “round peg in square hole doctors” get their patients to add unrefined salt to their diets, their health improves dramatically. Blood pressure even is said to drop!

The decades of “don't eat saturated fats” advice is now revealed to be incorrect.

And all these supplements...did you know many supplement companies are owned by the pharmaceuticals... and...

.. it turns out we may be HARMING ourselves by taking too many. For example, too much fish oil can destabilize the cells, PLUS there's lead and other contaminants in many mainstream health supplements.

SO - one thing about working with software that can gather information beneath the surface of the five senses is that you begin to realize that much of what we believe to be true- primarily because it's been programmed into us by those we trust and respect - is NOT.

Now I check everything for myself, regardless of the level of expertise it comes from.

Interestingly enough, this has worked out well.

So, back in February- the 22nd, to be precise- I started a “chakra detox”. This idea came from

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