The last two weeks have been interesting in that a strange bout of SOMETHING - resonating with “chem trail flu”- ended up taking me on a wild learning adventure.
Part of the process involved checking out a mysterious new category of minerals, known as ORMUS, whose atoms seem to misbehave*
*ORMUS stands for “orbitally rearranged monatomic elements”.
These new minerals were initially said to have appeared for the first time in the '70s.
Then, with further research, it was discovered they may go back to ancient Egypt and even been mentioned in the Bible a number of times.
So let's put this together- we, as humans, have a powerful scalar wave generator, the brain, designed to create physical reality from the subtle energies that surround us.
Because of this we're told THOUGHTS CREATE.
BUT- this sounds PIE IN THE SKY- because more often than not it doesn't appear reality is ANYTHING like our thoughts.
However, it turns out MINERALS are the CONDUCTORS of this process- and, no question, many of us are mineral deficient.
AND - ORMUS may be the SUPERCONDUCTORS, as these minerals are said to powerfully enhance brain wave projection.
Was trying to figure out how to explain all this - then came an email from someone in the group who wanted the SRC to dowse for the benefit of watching a YouTube said to help with elevating consciousness.
The SRC said it was 90% benefit. I watched it and thought “this might be an example of what happens with ORMUS- and, regardless, wanted to share it -
It's a strange video, but even stranger may be the negativity on the planet- causing us to create what we DO NOT desire.
It could be time for some new approaches, - which may include ORMUS. More details over the next few days.
For our group work, the Pro Tools selector, with a theme of “stress related to mineral deficiency” requested the Timeline and Mediator.
In the timeline, we're clearing processed foods- have already had several go-rounds, but the stress number, at the top (125) has not yet gone down. Go figure.
For the mediator, we're mediating- with ourselves- on allowing the following statement into our reality:
Focus energy into all levels of the body and its surrounding energy fields to ensure perfect connection with Universal Intelligence. • Ensure all interactions between the body’s Subtle Organizing Energy Fields lead to the harmonization. Revitalize all foods and drinks consumed to their optimum energetic state, overriding the effects of cooking, processing, storage, freezing, genetic modification, pesticides and fertilizers. • Remove all interference from consciousness that is blocking the flow of energy into the body and its various energy fields. • Ensure all bifurcation points within the body’s Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (i.e. the moment when they temporarily collapse and reform) have sufficient energy available to re-establish themselves at the optimum level of vitality and the highest level of order.
Finally, we're getting our exercise with the Premium.
Details- etheric, not physical
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Monday, June 11, 2018
Saturday, June 9, 2018
The SRC4YOU is a computer software program designed to send the energy of qi gong to the body's energetic blueprint- and yes, science has proven that we DO have an energetic blueprint.
It's a field of energy that surrounds the physical body.
Qi Gong has long been known to clear stress...this is the virtual approach, designed for working with this field.
The overall goal is to clear, energetically, any blocks/stress in the blueprint- referred to as the etheric field- that could keep life force on a lower vibratory level.
Why is this significant?
-lower vibratory energy in the etheric field/blueprint brings lower vibratory 3D realities, in other words what we DON”T want.
The purpose of SRC work is to raise life force, or voltage, so that the reality desired can be accessed.
Still, most people- even though, if they think about it, they've turned over every other aspect of their life to computers...
... will not give a computer software program related to their well-being a chance.
To be fair, this is understandable- you don't “feel” anything during an SRC session, so how do you know something is even happening?
Beginning clues -
Speaking of knowledge, are you aware of the statistics on Diabetes 2?
www.google.com says over 100 million Americans are diabetic or close (pre-diabetic)
If you search further, you may discover that in the rush to cash in the pharmaceutical industry may have created some medicines that cause more harm than the disease itself.
This could be why certain statistics indicate the mortality rate for diabetics on medication is higher than for those who are not.
Point being, we're in the age of information-check this out. And, if you're on diabetic medication, take the action of going to www.google.com and getting information on side effects.
Don't let your Dr. tell you, for example, that your present medication might have a wonderful side effect of causing you to lose weight when the truth is that your cells are breaking down.
Also, educate yourself on minerals.
And, how about this...a tip found online...
...get a small jar, put in about 3T Himalayan salt, add coconut oil to the top. Rub on your skin every night.
OR- simply add a pinch of Himalayan salt to a gallon or so of pure water. (and then, obviously, drink the water over the next day or so, lol)
As always- www.google.
Himalayan salt is a powerful source of minerals, but could there be an even deeper advantage to this?
Ever heard of ORMUS?
Get ready for some weird physics.
Details on today's energy session - etheric, not physical
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The SRC4YOU is a computer software program designed to send the energy of qi gong to the body's energetic blueprint- and yes, science has proven that we DO have an energetic blueprint.
It's a field of energy that surrounds the physical body.
Qi Gong has long been known to clear stress...this is the virtual approach, designed for working with this field.
The overall goal is to clear, energetically, any blocks/stress in the blueprint- referred to as the etheric field- that could keep life force on a lower vibratory level.
Why is this significant?
-lower vibratory energy in the etheric field/blueprint brings lower vibratory 3D realities, in other words what we DON”T want.
The purpose of SRC work is to raise life force, or voltage, so that the reality desired can be accessed.
Still, most people- even though, if they think about it, they've turned over every other aspect of their life to computers...
... will not give a computer software program related to their well-being a chance.
To be fair, this is understandable- you don't “feel” anything during an SRC session, so how do you know something is even happening?
Beginning clues -
- there are more beneficial “coincidences” - except there is no such thing as a coincidence or “luck”- .it's the cosmos providing you with what you need, based on a response to your voltage.
Speaking of knowledge, are you aware of the statistics on Diabetes 2?
www.google.com says over 100 million Americans are diabetic or close (pre-diabetic)
If you search further, you may discover that in the rush to cash in the pharmaceutical industry may have created some medicines that cause more harm than the disease itself.
This could be why certain statistics indicate the mortality rate for diabetics on medication is higher than for those who are not.
Point being, we're in the age of information-check this out. And, if you're on diabetic medication, take the action of going to www.google.com and getting information on side effects.
Don't let your Dr. tell you, for example, that your present medication might have a wonderful side effect of causing you to lose weight when the truth is that your cells are breaking down.
Also, educate yourself on minerals.
And, how about this...a tip found online...
...get a small jar, put in about 3T Himalayan salt, add coconut oil to the top. Rub on your skin every night.
OR- simply add a pinch of Himalayan salt to a gallon or so of pure water. (and then, obviously, drink the water over the next day or so, lol)
As always- www.google.
Himalayan salt is a powerful source of minerals, but could there be an even deeper advantage to this?
Ever heard of ORMUS?
Get ready for some weird physics.
Details on today's energy session - etheric, not physical
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Friday, June 8, 2018
With all the information now available on what may be WRONG in our world-
It literally creates our physical reality by pulling in data from unseen energy fields. That means we can pull in solutions to any problem
It may be there are a few who have always understood this energetic process, and, as a result, know how to manipulate the reality creation of those who do not.
But now there's a great deal of empowering information available on all this.
Many are waking up.
Some even say it's a wonderful time to be alive, because the truth is finally coming out.
There's still a CATCH, though - turns out MINERALS are the SUPERCONDUCTORS for our powerful scalar wave generator.
Because of processed foods and over-all stress, many are deficient.
And, since we've been on the subject of chem trails- the essence of chem trails is also scalar, designed to hit our brains. If our minerals were balanced, we could manage this stress.
But chem trails- you might be thinking- that's crazy talk! Our government – or those in charge of it- would never intentionally harm us!
So explain this-
Back in 1959 Dr. Walter Mertz discovered the connection between diabetes II and GTF chromium, a mineral, and stated that type II diabetes was not a disease. It was the lack of this mineral.
Shortly thereafter he was awarded head position in a large governmental health agency, under the condition that he never mention this diabetes II/GTF chromium connection again. So, while he did a great deal of good work, this particular information was lost to the public.
Think of the lives and limbs lost, the economic burden to health care systems, the HUGE profit at the top....because diabetes II has turned out to be a huge revenue stream for the corporate sector.
Fortunately there was documentation of Dr. Mertz's earlier work which is now available for those who choose to investigate.
Hopefully those who DO will be messengers for those who do not.
Speaking of messages-
-look at your biggest problems- health, relationship, financial- and give thanks.
They aren't in your present reality because of coincidence or bad luck.
They're simply presenting opportunities to get your scalar wave generator in sync. The first step may be to mineral up!
For the weekend, we're doing stress management related to our powerful scalar energy generator as it ties in to mineral balance and the solar plexus chakra.
Also, a new approach with the EMOTIONS SCANNER-
Details- etheric, not physical
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With all the information now available on what may be WRONG in our world-
- we're also coming to the realization that we have everything we need to make it RIGHT.
It literally creates our physical reality by pulling in data from unseen energy fields. That means we can pull in solutions to any problem
It may be there are a few who have always understood this energetic process, and, as a result, know how to manipulate the reality creation of those who do not.
But now there's a great deal of empowering information available on all this.
Many are waking up.
Some even say it's a wonderful time to be alive, because the truth is finally coming out.
There's still a CATCH, though - turns out MINERALS are the SUPERCONDUCTORS for our powerful scalar wave generator.
Because of processed foods and over-all stress, many are deficient.
And, since we've been on the subject of chem trails- the essence of chem trails is also scalar, designed to hit our brains. If our minerals were balanced, we could manage this stress.
But chem trails- you might be thinking- that's crazy talk! Our government – or those in charge of it- would never intentionally harm us!
So explain this-
Back in 1959 Dr. Walter Mertz discovered the connection between diabetes II and GTF chromium, a mineral, and stated that type II diabetes was not a disease. It was the lack of this mineral.
Shortly thereafter he was awarded head position in a large governmental health agency, under the condition that he never mention this diabetes II/GTF chromium connection again. So, while he did a great deal of good work, this particular information was lost to the public.
Think of the lives and limbs lost, the economic burden to health care systems, the HUGE profit at the top....because diabetes II has turned out to be a huge revenue stream for the corporate sector.
Fortunately there was documentation of Dr. Mertz's earlier work which is now available for those who choose to investigate.
Hopefully those who DO will be messengers for those who do not.
Speaking of messages-
-look at your biggest problems- health, relationship, financial- and give thanks.
They aren't in your present reality because of coincidence or bad luck.
They're simply presenting opportunities to get your scalar wave generator in sync. The first step may be to mineral up!
For the weekend, we're doing stress management related to our powerful scalar energy generator as it ties in to mineral balance and the solar plexus chakra.
Also, a new approach with the EMOTIONS SCANNER-
Details- etheric, not physical
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Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Over the past week, in searching for answers on how to handle what may be intentionally engineered environmental toxicity, I've re-learned that MINERAL BALANCE is crucial for activating our innate ability to solve ANY problem.
It seems minerals serve as antennas for pulling information from the cosmos.
Maybe we could pull in an endless supply of abundance, which we're told surrounds us- with optimal mineral balance!
One somewhat unknown category of mineral supplementation - ORMUS- may offer a whole new dimension to this.
More later- meanwhile, there's information online.
What I want to share first is why I've purchased a box of 20 Mule Team Borax.
We think of it as laundry detergent booster, but it's pure BORON, mined in California, AND:
Boron, a trace mineral, is essential for transmitting signals from cell to cell.
Nearly everyone is deficient.
Fertilizers are the main culprit, because they inhibit the uptake of boron from the soil. Next is phyticacid in baked goods and cereals. Then there's the fact that we typically lose what little boron is left in our vegetables by discarding the cooking water.
We may not recognize any missed signals till they come into the 3D world in the form of muscle stiffness, arthritis, kidney stones, depression, lack of awareness via a petrified/calcified Pineal.
But, as always, let's focus on what we WANT, which would be -
(the clearing of heavy metals may be especially significant at this time, because heavy metals in our own system seem to create resonance with/pull in EMF and other forms of toxicity.)
That's why you might want to step out of your safe space and get a box of 20 MULE TEAM BORAX.
Bathing with it, or even taking a very small amount- 1/8 t- in a glass of water, (do your own research, there's plenty of information online) may create quite a transformation.
Thing is, since the word on this is spreading, some governmental agencies have become concerned about borax toxicity
It's now banned in Europe, for example, compliments of the EU.
But studies show that table salt is 50-100% more toxic than borax. Table salt changes genetic material, while borax is harmless.
What could be wrong with an energetic BOOST, compliments of a little BORAX?
Tomorrow- further investigation.
Meanwhile, for today's group work, we're receiving the energy of boron and other minerals. Also, there are a couple of new cocktails in the VSA.
Details - etheric, not physical
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Over the past week, in searching for answers on how to handle what may be intentionally engineered environmental toxicity, I've re-learned that MINERAL BALANCE is crucial for activating our innate ability to solve ANY problem.
It seems minerals serve as antennas for pulling information from the cosmos.
Maybe we could pull in an endless supply of abundance, which we're told surrounds us- with optimal mineral balance!
One somewhat unknown category of mineral supplementation - ORMUS- may offer a whole new dimension to this.
More later- meanwhile, there's information online.
What I want to share first is why I've purchased a box of 20 Mule Team Borax.
We think of it as laundry detergent booster, but it's pure BORON, mined in California, AND:
Boron, a trace mineral, is essential for transmitting signals from cell to cell.
Nearly everyone is deficient.
Fertilizers are the main culprit, because they inhibit the uptake of boron from the soil. Next is phyticacid in baked goods and cereals. Then there's the fact that we typically lose what little boron is left in our vegetables by discarding the cooking water.
We may not recognize any missed signals till they come into the 3D world in the form of muscle stiffness, arthritis, kidney stones, depression, lack of awareness via a petrified/calcified Pineal.
But, as always, let's focus on what we WANT, which would be -
- healthy bones and teeth, optimal metabolism of sex hormones, improvement of heart problems, good vision, control of candida, removal of fluoride and heavy metal, a healthy Pineal gland, maybe even anti-tumor bodily action-
(the clearing of heavy metals may be especially significant at this time, because heavy metals in our own system seem to create resonance with/pull in EMF and other forms of toxicity.)
That's why you might want to step out of your safe space and get a box of 20 MULE TEAM BORAX.
Bathing with it, or even taking a very small amount- 1/8 t- in a glass of water, (do your own research, there's plenty of information online) may create quite a transformation.
Thing is, since the word on this is spreading, some governmental agencies have become concerned about borax toxicity
It's now banned in Europe, for example, compliments of the EU.
But studies show that table salt is 50-100% more toxic than borax. Table salt changes genetic material, while borax is harmless.
What could be wrong with an energetic BOOST, compliments of a little BORAX?
Tomorrow- further investigation.
Meanwhile, for today's group work, we're receiving the energy of boron and other minerals. Also, there are a couple of new cocktails in the VSA.
Details - etheric, not physical
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Monday, June 4, 2018
Almost titled this- WAKE UP, LOOK UP...
...but that would be counter productive.
There are just too many who refuse to consider the possibility that our weather and/or health is being manipulated by something now known as geoengineering...
(chem trails is not a PC term)
...OR, they acknowledge geoengineering, but believe it must somehow be for our own good.
We all have free will, so that's fine.
BUT- growing numbers have seen documentation on the reality- and adverse effects- of geoengineering and are concerned.
They want to know-
(after all, control the weather, you control everything!)
They speak out, take pictures, write songs- and are labeled by the mainstream as a bunch of nuts, sometimes even worse.
(no free will for THEM)
BUT, moving forward, maybe the MAJOR concern should be
From what I'm learning, it may inhibit the nutrient uptake of plants, interfere with the nervous system, and, as a result, block awareness.
AND- there may be a connection between fire acceleration properties and certain devastating FIRES.
Check this out for yourself- but know there's always a solution.
Let's start with nutrition. Here's a list of products mentioned online that may help with stress related to geoengineering:
See if it makes sense to add any of these products to your lifestyle. Plenty of information online.
For now I decided to add BORAX and ORMUS MINERALS
Reasons for this tomorrow- also, here's today's screen cast, etheric, not physical
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Almost titled this- WAKE UP, LOOK UP...
...but that would be counter productive.
There are just too many who refuse to consider the possibility that our weather and/or health is being manipulated by something now known as geoengineering...
(chem trails is not a PC term)
...OR, they acknowledge geoengineering, but believe it must somehow be for our own good.
We all have free will, so that's fine.
BUT- growing numbers have seen documentation on the reality- and adverse effects- of geoengineering and are concerned.
They want to know-
- who's doing this
- which politicians/corporations are supporting it
- what are the health impacts
- is it corporate profit related- pharmaceutical/commodity markets etc-
(after all, control the weather, you control everything!)
They speak out, take pictures, write songs- and are labeled by the mainstream as a bunch of nuts, sometimes even worse.
(no free will for THEM)
BUT, moving forward, maybe the MAJOR concern should be
From what I'm learning, it may inhibit the nutrient uptake of plants, interfere with the nervous system, and, as a result, block awareness.
AND- there may be a connection between fire acceleration properties and certain devastating FIRES.
Check this out for yourself- but know there's always a solution.
Let's start with nutrition. Here's a list of products mentioned online that may help with stress related to geoengineering:
- Miracle 2 soap
- Borax
- Bioage
- Rad-D-Tox
- colloidal silver
- ormus minerals
- zeolite
- mono-atomic iodine
- apple pectin powder
- liposomic vitamin C
- sacred clay
- chlorine dioxide solution
- chlorella
- oxygenated silver
- cilantro
- Kombu seaweed
- pectin
See if it makes sense to add any of these products to your lifestyle. Plenty of information online.
For now I decided to add BORAX and ORMUS MINERALS
Reasons for this tomorrow- also, here's today's screen cast, etheric, not physical
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Sunday, June 3, 2018
We've been focused on clearing stress related to the solar plexus chakra.
This took an unexpected direction - something known as the ASSEMBLAGE POINT appeared to be a significant source of stress.
(More information in previous posts.)
Anyway, over the past few days this has been our focus via the SRC. We went through a series of related themes, all related to childhood stress - negativity, marrow, spleen excess and, finally stomach disharmony.
BUT- no posts, because I was apparently searching for personal definition of the term “sicker than a horse”
It seemed to be a bad case of the flu, but the standard SRC stress-management wasn't helping.
Finally, scanning a new list of frequencies,“chem trail detox” came up.
AND - we've had unusually heavy rain. Every time it stopped I'd run out with Sprout-
A friend said “just line your umbrella with tinfoil”.
(in other words, this is crazy conspiracy talk)
But, in between bouts of misery I did some online research.
Meanwhile - dowsing in chem trail detox frequencies via the SRC seemed to relieve symptoms.
(geoengineering is the PC term)
As always, do your own research- meanwhile I'll share what I found. Some of the information sounds crazy, but there's also "right"- documented- information available.
We need awareness, and the information is public.
Remember, though, our consciousness creates our reality.
In other words, we don't want any fear or victim mentality.
(Dr. Sebi reminded his patients of this on a regular basis, saying that victim mentality SHUT DOWN information. WHAT A SHAME, in that we're surrounded by all the information we need to solve any problem)
Here's our focus--
For starters, there's a 93% benefit to receiving an 88 day Mastery session of IMAGES related to nutritional geoengineering stress management. (one way we download information is through images)
Over the next few days, we'll go into detail on this - meanwhile here's the screen cast
Etheric, not physical
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We've been focused on clearing stress related to the solar plexus chakra.
This took an unexpected direction - something known as the ASSEMBLAGE POINT appeared to be a significant source of stress.
(More information in previous posts.)
Anyway, over the past few days this has been our focus via the SRC. We went through a series of related themes, all related to childhood stress - negativity, marrow, spleen excess and, finally stomach disharmony.
BUT- no posts, because I was apparently searching for personal definition of the term “sicker than a horse”
It seemed to be a bad case of the flu, but the standard SRC stress-management wasn't helping.
Finally, scanning a new list of frequencies,“chem trail detox” came up.
AND - we've had unusually heavy rain. Every time it stopped I'd run out with Sprout-
A friend said “just line your umbrella with tinfoil”.
(in other words, this is crazy conspiracy talk)
But, in between bouts of misery I did some online research.
Meanwhile - dowsing in chem trail detox frequencies via the SRC seemed to relieve symptoms.
- so, is this a sign it's time to add some SRC stress management related to geoengineering?
(geoengineering is the PC term)
As always, do your own research- meanwhile I'll share what I found. Some of the information sounds crazy, but there's also "right"- documented- information available.
We need awareness, and the information is public.
Remember, though, our consciousness creates our reality.
In other words, we don't want any fear or victim mentality.
(Dr. Sebi reminded his patients of this on a regular basis, saying that victim mentality SHUT DOWN information. WHAT A SHAME, in that we're surrounded by all the information we need to solve any problem)
Here's our focus--
- Are there physical mechanisms such as energy work with the SRC, where we can send the opposite frequency of what has created the problem?
- Are there habits of daily living, like regular detox and supplementation, that are now necessary?
- AND- what about working with pyramids, orgonite, monoatomic gold- after all, the more awareness of our reality, the more surprises we seem to get-
For starters, there's a 93% benefit to receiving an 88 day Mastery session of IMAGES related to nutritional geoengineering stress management. (one way we download information is through images)
Over the next few days, we'll go into detail on this - meanwhile here's the screen cast
Etheric, not physical
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Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Yesterday, for assemblage point balance, we began to focus, etherically, on clearing stress related to childhood distress and/or oppression.
The theme, first, was negativity but now has moved to heart disharmony.
This theme, “heart disharmony” isn't necessarily physical- and is important to understand. For one thing, it seems a balanced assemblage point is in the heart area, not to the left or the right.
Balance is now rare.
What seems to throw it off is conditioning by the world/environment, which includes family, teachers, cultures, religion, media, left brain focused activities...
We know this has backfired when our actions and reactions become automatic.
AND, this is a terrible waste. The heart is meant to be our creative center, but automated responses can shut it down.
When it's used correctly- with persistence and intensity, free of conditioned responses, so that information can be freely accessed - one can manifest their heart's desire.
BUT- this takes energy. So many seem to be drained.
SO, yesterday I made a pot of Dr. Sebi's electrical soup.
SHOCKER: it was delicious
Below is the recipe- somehow, it tastes like chicken noodle.
Next time, I'm going to call some friends and have each of them bring one ingredient, so we can make this soup together.
Seriously, I read that one of the best forms of stress management is to get together with friends to cook and eat.
In a large pot, pour in 1 gallon spring water
After bringing to a high boil add 1 8 oz box chickpea pasta-
Turn off heat and set aside.
NEXT- who knows-
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Yesterday, for assemblage point balance, we began to focus, etherically, on clearing stress related to childhood distress and/or oppression.
The theme, first, was negativity but now has moved to heart disharmony.
This theme, “heart disharmony” isn't necessarily physical- and is important to understand. For one thing, it seems a balanced assemblage point is in the heart area, not to the left or the right.
Balance is now rare.
What seems to throw it off is conditioning by the world/environment, which includes family, teachers, cultures, religion, media, left brain focused activities...
We know this has backfired when our actions and reactions become automatic.
AND, this is a terrible waste. The heart is meant to be our creative center, but automated responses can shut it down.
When it's used correctly- with persistence and intensity, free of conditioned responses, so that information can be freely accessed - one can manifest their heart's desire.
BUT- this takes energy. So many seem to be drained.
SO, yesterday I made a pot of Dr. Sebi's electrical soup.
SHOCKER: it was delicious
Below is the recipe- somehow, it tastes like chicken noodle.
Next time, I'm going to call some friends and have each of them bring one ingredient, so we can make this soup together.
Seriously, I read that one of the best forms of stress management is to get together with friends to cook and eat.
In a large pot, pour in 1 gallon spring water
- 4 cups sliced mushrooms
- 2 sliced yellow squash
- 1 sliced zucchini
- 2 cups cubed butternut squash
- 1 sliced red onion
- 2 red peppers
- 1 can organic garbanzo beans
- 1 tsp cayenne peppere
- 1 tsp dried basil.
- Himalayan salt to taste
After bringing to a high boil add 1 8 oz box chickpea pasta-
Turn off heat and set aside.
NEXT- who knows-
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Monday, May 28, 2018
Hopefully, as information comes your way, you go online and/or to other reading material and do some searching of your own.
In particular, as far as information related to the human energy system, it's important to understand how it truly operates.
(Those who control the earth understand energy, and how it effects our consciousness. This information, in many cases, has been used against us.)
You should be free to share information on anything you learn, too.
It's called free speech- other parts of the world are losing it.
You may be aware, for example, that in London an activist was recently arrested for live streaming about the trial of a Pakistani grooming gang. (grooming for sex trafficking)
He was thrown in prison- no trial- the media is complicit because they are not sharing information- apparently they have been ordered NOT to.
And, speaking of orders, the English people are not allowed to discuss it, either.
This may have backfired, though. A few are starting to ask, and loudly, “what happened to our freedom of speech?”
They are also taking note of the fact that, since guns were banned, there's been a 40% increase in shootings and a massive increase in stabbings.
There's a point here- people can wake up from brainwashing .
That may be what's happening here in America regarding conventional health care.. because our health seems to be declining...
So, are you ready to put any of Dr. Kersey's biotheric discs to the test?
They're available on this site- and there's one for the Assemblage Point.
Here's information on how they work from an old post- with Dr. Kersey's contact information for direct questions
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Hopefully, as information comes your way, you go online and/or to other reading material and do some searching of your own.
In particular, as far as information related to the human energy system, it's important to understand how it truly operates.
(Those who control the earth understand energy, and how it effects our consciousness. This information, in many cases, has been used against us.)
You should be free to share information on anything you learn, too.
It's called free speech- other parts of the world are losing it.
You may be aware, for example, that in London an activist was recently arrested for live streaming about the trial of a Pakistani grooming gang. (grooming for sex trafficking)
He was thrown in prison- no trial- the media is complicit because they are not sharing information- apparently they have been ordered NOT to.
And, speaking of orders, the English people are not allowed to discuss it, either.
This may have backfired, though. A few are starting to ask, and loudly, “what happened to our freedom of speech?”
They are also taking note of the fact that, since guns were banned, there's been a 40% increase in shootings and a massive increase in stabbings.
There's a point here- people can wake up from brainwashing .
That may be what's happening here in America regarding conventional health care.. because our health seems to be declining...
So, are you ready to put any of Dr. Kersey's biotheric discs to the test?
They're available on this site- and there's one for the Assemblage Point.
Here's information on how they work from an old post- with Dr. Kersey's contact information for direct questions
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Hopefully, as information comes your way, you go online and/or to other reading material and do some searching of your own.
In particular, as far as information related to the human energy system, it's important to understand how it truly operates.
(Those who control the earth understand energy, and how it effects our consciousness. This information, in many cases, has been used against us.)
You should be free to share information on anything you learn, too.
It's called free speech- other parts of the world are losing it.
You may be aware, for example, that in London an activist was recently arrested for live streaming about the trial of a Pakistani grooming gang. (grooming for sex trafficking)
He was thrown in prison- no trial- the media is complicit because they are not sharing information- apparently they have been ordered NOT to.
And, speaking of orders, the English people are not allowed to discuss it, either.
This may have backfired, though. A few are starting to ask, and loudly, “what happened to our freedom of speech?”
They are also taking note of the fact that, since guns were banned, there's been a 40% increase in shootings and a massive increase in stabbings.
There's a point here- people can wake up from brainwashing .
That may be what's happening here in America regarding conventional health care.. because our health seems to be declining...
So, are you ready to put any of Dr. Kersey's biotheric discs to the test?
They're available on this site- and there's one for the Assemblage Point.
Here's information on how they work from an old post- with Dr. Kersey's contact information for direct questions-
Continue reading click here
Hopefully, as information comes your way, you go online and/or to other reading material and do some searching of your own.
In particular, as far as information related to the human energy system, it's important to understand how it truly operates.
(Those who control the earth understand energy, and how it effects our consciousness. This information, in many cases, has been used against us.)
You should be free to share information on anything you learn, too.
It's called free speech- other parts of the world are losing it.
You may be aware, for example, that in London an activist was recently arrested for live streaming about the trial of a Pakistani grooming gang. (grooming for sex trafficking)
He was thrown in prison- no trial- the media is complicit because they are not sharing information- apparently they have been ordered NOT to.
And, speaking of orders, the English people are not allowed to discuss it, either.
This may have backfired, though. A few are starting to ask, and loudly, “what happened to our freedom of speech?”
They are also taking note of the fact that, since guns were banned, there's been a 40% increase in shootings and a massive increase in stabbings.
There's a point here- people can wake up from brainwashing .
That may be what's happening here in America regarding conventional health care.. because our health seems to be declining...
So, are you ready to put any of Dr. Kersey's biotheric discs to the test?
They're available on this site- and there's one for the Assemblage Point.
Here's information on how they work from an old post- with Dr. Kersey's contact information for direct questions-
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Sunday, May 27, 2018
Is it possible the human energy system could become misaligned at its very center-
Yes, and this “center” seems to be a vortex of energy known as the Assemblage Point
It could be the unknown factor behind many forms of dis-ease. Stress, in its wide variety of forms, could be responsible.
And, because of the excessive left brain activity demanded by today's lifestyle, it may be that ideal alignment is now rare, even for those who lead what they consider to be a fairly “stress-free” life.
That's why it's important to manage stress on a consistent basis, which we are doing with the SRC.
We want the AP to stay, energetically, where it is intended to be, which is near the center of the chest.
Just a few examples of what can happen when there's a shift- aside from a general lack of well-being-
If the AP shifts to the liver area there may be tiredness, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The liver's blood supply- which is by way of the spleen- may become congested, leading to chronic infections.
Or, if the blood supply is congested the liver may change the blood's chemistry and FORCE blood through the spleen, which could lead to high blood pressure.
On the other hand, if the AP shifts to the right and upper part of the chest there may be nervousness, anxiety, and disturbed sleep.
Is it possible the human energy system could become misaligned at its very center-
- skewing information pulled in from the matrix?
Yes, and this “center” seems to be a vortex of energy known as the Assemblage Point
It could be the unknown factor behind many forms of dis-ease. Stress, in its wide variety of forms, could be responsible.
And, because of the excessive left brain activity demanded by today's lifestyle, it may be that ideal alignment is now rare, even for those who lead what they consider to be a fairly “stress-free” life.
That's why it's important to manage stress on a consistent basis, which we are doing with the SRC.
We want the AP to stay, energetically, where it is intended to be, which is near the center of the chest.
Just a few examples of what can happen when there's a shift- aside from a general lack of well-being-
If the AP shifts to the liver area there may be tiredness, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The liver's blood supply- which is by way of the spleen- may become congested, leading to chronic infections.
Or, if the blood supply is congested the liver may change the blood's chemistry and FORCE blood through the spleen, which could lead to high blood pressure.
On the other hand, if the AP shifts to the right and upper part of the chest there may be nervousness, anxiety, and disturbed sleep.
A shift to the EXTREME right is associated with violence, bullying, rage, stalking, murder, terrorism, or fanaticism.
There's more, but we don't need to focus on this, just be aware of the possibility, so we can do preventative maintenance- or corrections when necessary.
(And, ironically, drugs and other therapies can further skew the AP, so the corrections might not be conventional.)
So, for our SRC group work today the scan indicated childhood stress could be a factor in AP misalignment.
In the P3, the over-all theme at this time is negativity.
Also, we requested the emotion and pathogen Pro Tools, as well as 6 hours of energetic qi-gong “BEAMING”
Details- etheric, not physical-
(And, ironically, drugs and other therapies can further skew the AP, so the corrections might not be conventional.)
So, for our SRC group work today the scan indicated childhood stress could be a factor in AP misalignment.
In the P3, the over-all theme at this time is negativity.
Also, we requested the emotion and pathogen Pro Tools, as well as 6 hours of energetic qi-gong “BEAMING”
Details- etheric, not physical-
Saturday, May 26, 2018
One night back in the early 90's I had a strange dream. Sitting straight up in bed I shouted VORTEX, then spelled it out -
-and went right back to sleep
The next morning, the dream- or whatever it was- was still vivid. I looked up the word vortex and saw that it meant “whirlpool”, so wouldn't let my daughter go to the beach that day.
Back then, there wasn't much more information on the term.
But I never forgot about the dream , and wondered what the message had been.
So, the other day a ROOT SOURCE SCAN was done to help identify points of stress related to the liver and solar plexus chakra.
One issue that came up was unfamiliar- ASSEMBLAGE POINT.
Turns out it's a VORTEX, the epicentre (central point) of the human energy field!
It determines how we distribute our energy.
When it's OFF, DISTORTED - one's whole perception of reality, not to mention physical health, is OFF.
The AP should be set in place by age 7, but if there's major stress/trauma before or after it can leave its correct position, which is the chest, and end up elsewhere, such as the liver.
(more tomorrow on other areas and possible outcomes)
Point being, when it shifts, behavior and feelings will then be beyond rational control.
For example-
The“happy self” may be impossible to reach.
There may be physical or mental health issues for which medication or therapies won't work.
Symptoms may include-
Depression, including post natal, bipolar syndrome, paranoia, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol addiction, epilepsy, senile dementia, coma, Parkinsonism, toxicity, leukemia, cancer, auto immune deficiency syndrome, multiple sclerosis...and
Family, friends, co-workers, etc. typically don't understand.
Medical professionals just keep doing therapies and/or prescribing medications that don't work.
But of course there are solutions- maybe balancing the AP won't be a magic bullet, but you never know...
Meanwhile, I made a list of various forms of stress that could throw the AP off.
The SRC4U Software is still running, which means the Find Options tab isn't available, so we'll scan as soon as it's finished.
Right now our theme is ADDICTION. (We started, etherically, with METABOLIC.)
All this is in reference to liver, solar plexus chakra, and seed programming related stress.
Details - etheric, not physical
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One night back in the early 90's I had a strange dream. Sitting straight up in bed I shouted VORTEX, then spelled it out -
-and went right back to sleep
The next morning, the dream- or whatever it was- was still vivid. I looked up the word vortex and saw that it meant “whirlpool”, so wouldn't let my daughter go to the beach that day.
Back then, there wasn't much more information on the term.
But I never forgot about the dream , and wondered what the message had been.
So, the other day a ROOT SOURCE SCAN was done to help identify points of stress related to the liver and solar plexus chakra.
One issue that came up was unfamiliar- ASSEMBLAGE POINT.
Turns out it's a VORTEX, the epicentre (central point) of the human energy field!
It determines how we distribute our energy.
When it's OFF, DISTORTED - one's whole perception of reality, not to mention physical health, is OFF.
The AP should be set in place by age 7, but if there's major stress/trauma before or after it can leave its correct position, which is the chest, and end up elsewhere, such as the liver.
(more tomorrow on other areas and possible outcomes)
Point being, when it shifts, behavior and feelings will then be beyond rational control.
For example-
The“happy self” may be impossible to reach.
There may be physical or mental health issues for which medication or therapies won't work.
Symptoms may include-
Depression, including post natal, bipolar syndrome, paranoia, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol addiction, epilepsy, senile dementia, coma, Parkinsonism, toxicity, leukemia, cancer, auto immune deficiency syndrome, multiple sclerosis...and
Family, friends, co-workers, etc. typically don't understand.
Medical professionals just keep doing therapies and/or prescribing medications that don't work.
But of course there are solutions- maybe balancing the AP won't be a magic bullet, but you never know...
Meanwhile, I made a list of various forms of stress that could throw the AP off.
The SRC4U Software is still running, which means the Find Options tab isn't available, so we'll scan as soon as it's finished.
Right now our theme is ADDICTION. (We started, etherically, with METABOLIC.)
All this is in reference to liver, solar plexus chakra, and seed programming related stress.
Details - etheric, not physical
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Friday, May 25, 2018
IN A SENSE- those of us who work with the SRC- individually or through a group- are explorers.
Because of this we're able to advance, bit by bit, towards a new vision of how the body works.
It all starts with asking questions.
Questions about food healing brought me to Dr. Sebi- because of his cure rate.
AND- he had more white patients than black, so don't go thinking that what he taught was only for Africans.
Anyway, Dr. Sebi said the body was not designed to get sick.
“There has been a violation”, he said. “Because of this violation we do not live happy till we die. Instead, we become stressed, extremely stressed, until death.”
The violation? The foods we eat, coupled with the omission of certain herbs.
There's plenty of detailed information online, but the essence of what he taught:
(don't ask me how he figured this out, Dr. Sebi disliked school, so never went.)
As he explained it, the body is carbon-based, and can only take in what it's made of.
Eating otherwise produces mucous, which he said was the ONLY REAL DISEASE.
This, he said, was why lactose, uric acid, carbonic acid, milk, starches, and meat- foreign to our carbon-based system, so causing mucous production- “keepS you from loving you”.
Anyway, Dr. Sebi made a decision, early in life, that he was going to help humanity.
BUT he was quite a character - which probably caused some to turn away.
For one thing, he was never serious!
He'd present information and then say “ I could be lying”
(this was only to teach people to ALWAYS verify.)
Another interesting bit of advice - he was always saying "kiss everybody's butts, then they will kiss yours!"
Once a lady said “you surely don't mean that!” and he said “drop your panties”.
His reasoning- if you KICK everybody's butts, they will then kick YOURS.
Makes sense.
Still, am not sure I can follow his eating plan.
There seems to be a lot of cooking, plus I don't like most of the foods. Will try a few of the recipes to give it a chance.
BUT- according to Dr. Sebi, the BEST breakfast is a cup of hot water. Started that this morning.
Sprout has comments on this, and the link is working now - asproutabout.com
For the group, we're still receiving the energy of Bach Mustard, and also continuing to clear stress related to infection.
As you know, all etheric-
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IN A SENSE- those of us who work with the SRC- individually or through a group- are explorers.
Because of this we're able to advance, bit by bit, towards a new vision of how the body works.
It all starts with asking questions.
Questions about food healing brought me to Dr. Sebi- because of his cure rate.
AND- he had more white patients than black, so don't go thinking that what he taught was only for Africans.
Anyway, Dr. Sebi said the body was not designed to get sick.
“There has been a violation”, he said. “Because of this violation we do not live happy till we die. Instead, we become stressed, extremely stressed, until death.”
The violation? The foods we eat, coupled with the omission of certain herbs.
There's plenty of detailed information online, but the essence of what he taught:
(don't ask me how he figured this out, Dr. Sebi disliked school, so never went.)
As he explained it, the body is carbon-based, and can only take in what it's made of.
Eating otherwise produces mucous, which he said was the ONLY REAL DISEASE.
This, he said, was why lactose, uric acid, carbonic acid, milk, starches, and meat- foreign to our carbon-based system, so causing mucous production- “keepS you from loving you”.
Anyway, Dr. Sebi made a decision, early in life, that he was going to help humanity.
BUT he was quite a character - which probably caused some to turn away.
For one thing, he was never serious!
He'd present information and then say “ I could be lying”
(this was only to teach people to ALWAYS verify.)
Another interesting bit of advice - he was always saying "kiss everybody's butts, then they will kiss yours!"
Once a lady said “you surely don't mean that!” and he said “drop your panties”.
His reasoning- if you KICK everybody's butts, they will then kick YOURS.
Makes sense.
Still, am not sure I can follow his eating plan.
There seems to be a lot of cooking, plus I don't like most of the foods. Will try a few of the recipes to give it a chance.
BUT- according to Dr. Sebi, the BEST breakfast is a cup of hot water. Started that this morning.
Sprout has comments on this, and the link is working now - asproutabout.com
For the group, we're still receiving the energy of Bach Mustard, and also continuing to clear stress related to infection.
As you know, all etheric-
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Thursday, May 24, 2018
Yesterday a member of the group called for a quick SRC scan. A severe depression, she said, had “descended” on her.
With the root source protocol, here's what came up- 100% resonance:
“Brain washing, media programming, mind control, cellular memory, mental-physical habits, polluted thought patterns.”
When she heard this, she said she'd been watching the news (TV) non-stop in reference to the current political distraction.
While it's good to be aware, FOCUS on this type of thing can be counterproductive. I suggested she STOP. Also, there was a 95% benefit to saging her house.
This seemed to fit in with another call, also yesterday, from a client who has symptoms of Morgellons Disease.
She went to an integrative M.D. Instead of just filling out a chart and tucking it away for her next visit, he sat down and listened to what she had to say . She had A LOT- as things have been rough.
Then he asked what she wanted to accomplish.
“ I want to get rid of this Disease!”
“Try again.” he said.
She thought a moment and said “ I want beautiful skin, to gain back all the weight I've lost, and feel good!”
He nodded, saying “ NOW we can get some work done.”
And so, what you do want?
Focus on IT, not what's wrong. Also, what you choose to eat and drink will be a cornerstone to achieving it.
So, let's talk, for starters, about Alfred Bowman- better known as Dr. Sebi- who was known for curing many diseases through dietary changes.
Interestingly, in his younger years Dr. Sebi,, who is African, was diagnosed with schizophrenia and spent some time in a mental institution.
But what many may not know is that in Africa- before civilization entered with all its chemicals- a person who showed signs of schizophrenia was recognized as a future SHAMAN.
First they'd be isolated in the jungle, with plenty of provisions, so they could ground, then returned to the tribe to do their “magic”.
Dr. Sebi, although definitely a “character” was like a shaman to many, because the diet he recommended cured many “incurable” diseases.
At one point he was arrested,( New York.) The Judge said if he could bring in 5 people who could prove they had been healed by his dietary protocol, he would be cleared. He brought in 77.
Sadly, Dr. Sebi passed away in 2016. But what he taught continues to be followed by many. (more tomorrow)
As far as the group work, our theme is still stress related to liver, solar plexus chakra, and the “lacking in essentials” seed program.
We resonated with the root source scan, which gave an opportunity to demonstrate it to those with the software.
Our root source issues at this time, related to the theme, are compression, heart, assemblage point stress, and depression. (more on the assemblage point later, too.)
We're running all this in the Issue Solver for 48 hours, along with clearing depression-related stress via the Premium.
Details- etheric, not physical-
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Yesterday a member of the group called for a quick SRC scan. A severe depression, she said, had “descended” on her.
With the root source protocol, here's what came up- 100% resonance:
“Brain washing, media programming, mind control, cellular memory, mental-physical habits, polluted thought patterns.”
When she heard this, she said she'd been watching the news (TV) non-stop in reference to the current political distraction.
While it's good to be aware, FOCUS on this type of thing can be counterproductive. I suggested she STOP. Also, there was a 95% benefit to saging her house.
This seemed to fit in with another call, also yesterday, from a client who has symptoms of Morgellons Disease.
She went to an integrative M.D. Instead of just filling out a chart and tucking it away for her next visit, he sat down and listened to what she had to say . She had A LOT- as things have been rough.
Then he asked what she wanted to accomplish.
“ I want to get rid of this Disease!”
“Try again.” he said.
She thought a moment and said “ I want beautiful skin, to gain back all the weight I've lost, and feel good!”
He nodded, saying “ NOW we can get some work done.”
And so, what you do want?
Focus on IT, not what's wrong. Also, what you choose to eat and drink will be a cornerstone to achieving it.
So, let's talk, for starters, about Alfred Bowman- better known as Dr. Sebi- who was known for curing many diseases through dietary changes.
Interestingly, in his younger years Dr. Sebi,, who is African, was diagnosed with schizophrenia and spent some time in a mental institution.
But what many may not know is that in Africa- before civilization entered with all its chemicals- a person who showed signs of schizophrenia was recognized as a future SHAMAN.
First they'd be isolated in the jungle, with plenty of provisions, so they could ground, then returned to the tribe to do their “magic”.
Dr. Sebi, although definitely a “character” was like a shaman to many, because the diet he recommended cured many “incurable” diseases.
At one point he was arrested,( New York.) The Judge said if he could bring in 5 people who could prove they had been healed by his dietary protocol, he would be cleared. He brought in 77.
Sadly, Dr. Sebi passed away in 2016. But what he taught continues to be followed by many. (more tomorrow)
As far as the group work, our theme is still stress related to liver, solar plexus chakra, and the “lacking in essentials” seed program.
We resonated with the root source scan, which gave an opportunity to demonstrate it to those with the software.
Our root source issues at this time, related to the theme, are compression, heart, assemblage point stress, and depression. (more on the assemblage point later, too.)
We're running all this in the Issue Solver for 48 hours, along with clearing depression-related stress via the Premium.
Details- etheric, not physical-
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Wednesday, May 23, 2018
So, what happens if energy gets stuck in the belly?
Today, for the group work, we're getting some information on this.
Instead of just one theme, I typed in three: (compartmentalize at your own risk)
Clear seed programming”You are lacking in the essentials of what you need to get along in life”, “Liver”, and “Solar Plexus Chakra”.
Most significant stress related to all this, based on the etheric scan -
Defensive action- sublimation
Emotion- victimized
Stress factor-infection
Words To Ponder- if at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
Resistance Factor and also Confliction- Curse
The screen cast shows details as well as how we're managing this stress energetically.
Many are managing it on a 3D level, too.
Look around- have you noticed how packed the health food stores are?
AND- are you aware organic farming in America is now bigger than ever?
Nutrition isn't the ONLY variable, but seems to be primary. Still, how many people do you know who eat almost perfectly, but are still not well?
It could be that to be truly healthy on ALL levels we must consistently clear distortions and blockages in our energy field.
In fact- the root cause of all dis-ease may be the level of information in our system.
Is it lower, or higher?
(We definitely don't want it stuck in the belly, as that would be LOWER.)
And, as far as “curse”- we're not doing voodoo here.
CURSE may be the programming we've received that keeps us locked into belief systems that block our power.
Maybe it's time to start asking for EVIDENCE – CHECKING THINGS OUT-- instead of automatically believing what others tell us.
Are you familiar with Dr. Sebi?. He went against the system by “curing” EVERY type of dis-ease through DIET.
He had evidence, too.
Maybe it's time for us to review what he- and others - have DEMONSTRATED, so we can regain our true intelligence
Details of today's scan, etheric, not physical
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So, what happens if energy gets stuck in the belly?
Today, for the group work, we're getting some information on this.
Instead of just one theme, I typed in three: (compartmentalize at your own risk)
Clear seed programming”You are lacking in the essentials of what you need to get along in life”, “Liver”, and “Solar Plexus Chakra”.
Most significant stress related to all this, based on the etheric scan -
Defensive action- sublimation
Emotion- victimized
Stress factor-infection
Words To Ponder- if at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
Resistance Factor and also Confliction- Curse
The screen cast shows details as well as how we're managing this stress energetically.
Many are managing it on a 3D level, too.
Look around- have you noticed how packed the health food stores are?
AND- are you aware organic farming in America is now bigger than ever?
Nutrition isn't the ONLY variable, but seems to be primary. Still, how many people do you know who eat almost perfectly, but are still not well?
It could be that to be truly healthy on ALL levels we must consistently clear distortions and blockages in our energy field.
In fact- the root cause of all dis-ease may be the level of information in our system.
Is it lower, or higher?
(We definitely don't want it stuck in the belly, as that would be LOWER.)
And, as far as “curse”- we're not doing voodoo here.
CURSE may be the programming we've received that keeps us locked into belief systems that block our power.
Maybe it's time to start asking for EVIDENCE – CHECKING THINGS OUT-- instead of automatically believing what others tell us.
Are you familiar with Dr. Sebi?. He went against the system by “curing” EVERY type of dis-ease through DIET.
He had evidence, too.
Maybe it's time for us to review what he- and others - have DEMONSTRATED, so we can regain our true intelligence
Details of today's scan, etheric, not physical
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Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Since February 22nd some of us in the group have been doing a “chakra detox” as outlined on www.ourspirit.com
The idea is that this will help increase consciousness, or voltage.
The first step- each is 30 days- is focused on the root chakra. All that's required is to simply add a pinch of Himalayan salt to each gallon of pure water consumed.
Second step- 30 days later- focused on the sacral chakra-- is to eat 2-3 fresh vegetables/fruits every day
Seems like a good plan.
The third step, though, focused on the HARA CHAKRA, may have some drawbacks.
HARA energy deals with information carried from the gut to the brain. In other words, intuition.
For many, that line of energy is blocked because of intestinal stress.
So, the site recommended a series off detoxes and colonics.
Many BELIEVE this is good- and it's a big business- but could it be possible we're just wasting a bunch of money and maybe even damaging our health with too many detoxes and colonics?
Since February 22nd some of us in the group have been doing a “chakra detox” as outlined on www.ourspirit.com
The idea is that this will help increase consciousness, or voltage.
The first step- each is 30 days- is focused on the root chakra. All that's required is to simply add a pinch of Himalayan salt to each gallon of pure water consumed.
Second step- 30 days later- focused on the sacral chakra-- is to eat 2-3 fresh vegetables/fruits every day
Seems like a good plan.
The third step, though, focused on the HARA CHAKRA, may have some drawbacks.
HARA energy deals with information carried from the gut to the brain. In other words, intuition.
For many, that line of energy is blocked because of intestinal stress.
So, the site recommended a series off detoxes and colonics.
Many BELIEVE this is good- and it's a big business- but could it be possible we're just wasting a bunch of money and maybe even damaging our health with too many detoxes and colonics?
Monday, May 21, 2018
A direct quote from DECODING THE HUMAN BODY FIELD by Peter H. Frazer and Harry Massey.
“ It is almost impossible for us to view our bodies as vast networks of cells and molecules, much less as webs of interacting particles and waves. However, the beautiful mystery of nature is that at our most fundamental level, waves and particles are exactly what we are.”
In other words, there is more to the body- and our reality- than what the 5 senses reveal.
And we're not speaking in metaphysical terms. There are fields and forces which can now be measured and analyzed by various forms of technology.
This “measuring” can get interesting, too. It turns out that just like a satellite beams down frequencies that televisions convert into “shows”, there could be a much larger “beaming” going on.
WE, as powerful bio-computers, may be creating our own show based on what part of it we pull in.
But what sets our dial?
Well, according to scientific studies, it turns out that animals can see much more of what's really going on. .
With that in mind, I asked Sprout to become a consultant. He has agreed, with the condition that he never has to war a tie again.
So, for those interested in more information on “invisible forces” -
Follow Sprout on aSproutabout.com (Social Media is being set up.)
Meanwhile, why does the mainstream continue to ridicule- and/or block- scientifically-based information on all this?
The story of Clair Patterson might give some thoughts.
(Ever hear of him? Probably not, history pretty much ignores him.)
Patterson was on par with Einstein when it came to environmental protection.
He discovered how seriously harmful it was for us to be pumping gasoline containing LEAD.
Making this information available to the public put him up against some corporate structures controlled by powerful men. They tried to silence him, but he persevered, and independent scientists began to back him up.
(scientists employed by the corporate structure did repeated studies showing lead in gasoline was just FINE, though. Amazing, since lead is extremely poisonous.)
Bottom line- in 1952, because of his efforts, lead was removed from gasoline.
This cost the big boys some money, but subsequent tests showed the levels of lead in humans then dropped 80%.
So, a question- would it possibly cost the health care “big boys” if we understood that our health might benefit (along with standard health care), if we incorporated some energetic stress management ?
Today's scan- stress management related to intestines- etheric- we're asking for only the qi gong panel in the Pro Tools, specifically:
All core emotion energies
Bladder posture 1 and 2
Lotus kick
Super fireball
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A direct quote from DECODING THE HUMAN BODY FIELD by Peter H. Frazer and Harry Massey.
“ It is almost impossible for us to view our bodies as vast networks of cells and molecules, much less as webs of interacting particles and waves. However, the beautiful mystery of nature is that at our most fundamental level, waves and particles are exactly what we are.”
In other words, there is more to the body- and our reality- than what the 5 senses reveal.
And we're not speaking in metaphysical terms. There are fields and forces which can now be measured and analyzed by various forms of technology.
This “measuring” can get interesting, too. It turns out that just like a satellite beams down frequencies that televisions convert into “shows”, there could be a much larger “beaming” going on.
WE, as powerful bio-computers, may be creating our own show based on what part of it we pull in.
But what sets our dial?
Well, according to scientific studies, it turns out that animals can see much more of what's really going on. .
With that in mind, I asked Sprout to become a consultant. He has agreed, with the condition that he never has to war a tie again.
So, for those interested in more information on “invisible forces” -
Follow Sprout on aSproutabout.com (Social Media is being set up.)
Meanwhile, why does the mainstream continue to ridicule- and/or block- scientifically-based information on all this?
The story of Clair Patterson might give some thoughts.
(Ever hear of him? Probably not, history pretty much ignores him.)
Patterson was on par with Einstein when it came to environmental protection.
He discovered how seriously harmful it was for us to be pumping gasoline containing LEAD.
Making this information available to the public put him up against some corporate structures controlled by powerful men. They tried to silence him, but he persevered, and independent scientists began to back him up.
(scientists employed by the corporate structure did repeated studies showing lead in gasoline was just FINE, though. Amazing, since lead is extremely poisonous.)
Bottom line- in 1952, because of his efforts, lead was removed from gasoline.
This cost the big boys some money, but subsequent tests showed the levels of lead in humans then dropped 80%.
So, a question- would it possibly cost the health care “big boys” if we understood that our health might benefit (along with standard health care), if we incorporated some energetic stress management ?
Today's scan- stress management related to intestines- etheric- we're asking for only the qi gong panel in the Pro Tools, specifically:
All core emotion energies
Bladder posture 1 and 2
Lotus kick
Super fireball
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Sunday, May 20, 2018
Following a path to wellness is much like climbing a flight of stairs.
Obviously there's a first step which, with a health challenge, would be to see a doctor.
Climbing further would involve saying to the doctor “ I'd like to know as much as possible about the diagnosis, as well as the treatment you're advising ”...
(DOCTOR actually means TEACH)
...and then doing some research of your own.
Those who do this- i.e. keep climbing- may come to know that the core cause of any dis-ease is spiritual in nature.
With this in mind, the group work as of late has included breaking down/clearing stress related to some “seed programs” which can be huge sources of spiritual stress.
We started with: “You are deficient and therefore not whole”
For DAYS we ran, with the theme of EGO frozen in place.
Finally, we cleared, possibly because some rates to balance out a few forms of physical stress were added.
Of course we must maintain the higher level of frequency necessary, but at this moment in time, we're ready to move on, next week, to another core program:
“You are lacking in the essentials of what you need to get along in life.”
(but, as you'll see in the screen cast, we're first going to spend a few days on stress related to the intestines, as that impacts intuition. This is part of an over-all etheric detox, we go to the next level on the 22nd.)
Anyway, I didn't include details on the work done to clear the physical stress because of a text a friend had received related to the SRC work she's doing,
I felt a few things about our work needed to be re-emphasized.
The text came from a family member who works in mainstream medicine. It contained the following revelations/warnings.
Something must be tested and then diagnosed before proper treatment can be done.
So, to repeat, the SRC does not treat or diagnose.
Instead, the energy of Qi Gong is sent to the etheric field to clear blockages created by stress. As blockages are cleared, voltage may rise, empowering the body to self heal. The work can be reactive, but is primarily proactive.
(And, by the way, we're not seeing high levels of accuracy with medical diagnosis. Check this out, plenty of information online.)
Wavelengths from quantum equipment are too long to enter the physical body.
We aren't doing physical work. It's ETHERIC, in other words, with the field of energy that surrounds the physical body.
Symptoms can only be treated with medicine.
Please. This is an example of the programming our doctors are getting, as well as the postage stamp perspective related to energy work.
That being said, sometimes I can't blame them. This quantum stuff IS weird.
Maybe it's time to do more investigation on THAT. Next week.
Meanwhile, here's today's scan. Etheric, not physical
Continue reading click here
Following a path to wellness is much like climbing a flight of stairs.
Obviously there's a first step which, with a health challenge, would be to see a doctor.
Climbing further would involve saying to the doctor “ I'd like to know as much as possible about the diagnosis, as well as the treatment you're advising ”...
(DOCTOR actually means TEACH)
...and then doing some research of your own.
Those who do this- i.e. keep climbing- may come to know that the core cause of any dis-ease is spiritual in nature.
With this in mind, the group work as of late has included breaking down/clearing stress related to some “seed programs” which can be huge sources of spiritual stress.
We started with: “You are deficient and therefore not whole”
For DAYS we ran, with the theme of EGO frozen in place.
Finally, we cleared, possibly because some rates to balance out a few forms of physical stress were added.
Of course we must maintain the higher level of frequency necessary, but at this moment in time, we're ready to move on, next week, to another core program:
“You are lacking in the essentials of what you need to get along in life.”
(but, as you'll see in the screen cast, we're first going to spend a few days on stress related to the intestines, as that impacts intuition. This is part of an over-all etheric detox, we go to the next level on the 22nd.)
Anyway, I didn't include details on the work done to clear the physical stress because of a text a friend had received related to the SRC work she's doing,
I felt a few things about our work needed to be re-emphasized.
The text came from a family member who works in mainstream medicine. It contained the following revelations/warnings.
Something must be tested and then diagnosed before proper treatment can be done.
So, to repeat, the SRC does not treat or diagnose.
Instead, the energy of Qi Gong is sent to the etheric field to clear blockages created by stress. As blockages are cleared, voltage may rise, empowering the body to self heal. The work can be reactive, but is primarily proactive.
(And, by the way, we're not seeing high levels of accuracy with medical diagnosis. Check this out, plenty of information online.)
Wavelengths from quantum equipment are too long to enter the physical body.
We aren't doing physical work. It's ETHERIC, in other words, with the field of energy that surrounds the physical body.
Symptoms can only be treated with medicine.
Please. This is an example of the programming our doctors are getting, as well as the postage stamp perspective related to energy work.
That being said, sometimes I can't blame them. This quantum stuff IS weird.
Maybe it's time to do more investigation on THAT. Next week.
Meanwhile, here's today's scan. Etheric, not physical
Continue reading click here
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Some say we're in the Golden Age, a time when many are coming to realize that our biggest problem may be the way we THINK, because it's THOUGHT that creates.
AND, people are searching for information on a wide variety of subjects- health, politics, religion, etc. There's so much out there, though. How do we really know what to KNOW?
For one thing, we must keep our GUTS balanced – it's considered the second brain, some say it's the FIRST- either way, it's the center of intuition.
A diet of processed, sugary foods can skew the gut, and therefore the mind.
A subject for another time. For now, let's talk about another version of know- NO.
For example, in terms of Natural Law- what would happen if those who were ordered to harm their fellow man in any way simply started saying NO?
We're talking about soldiers, police, food manufacturers, sales people, health professionals, attorneys, government workers, political figures-
- even those in the entertainment industry who amass fortunes from song lyrics, tv shows, and movies that promote lower vibratory behavior such as drug and sex abuse, disintegration of the family, worship of the material world, and so on-
Saying NO could cause them some problems, though.
Look at Bill Cosby. Some say his troubles started not because he was into sex and drugs- that's apparently par for the course in the entertainment industry- but because of a dangerous statement he continued to make:
Apparently back in the 90s he even tried to purchase NBC to upgrade the information being “channeled” into America. Rumor has it this offended some powerful people.
Maybe, someday, if we keep taking our probiotics and eating real food we'll know the truth
Can't think much about it today - we have a Royal Wedding!
Harry and Meghan requested a simple wedding, so it's only 10 Million more than William and Kate's!
But a thought- there's so much poverty in London. What if Harry and Meghan had said NO to this extravaganza-and given the (approximate) 43 million paid by Harry's family and the 32 Million paid by the taxpayers to those in need?
A simple wedding could be televised, crowds could still line the street...
But we can't judge. Truth is, as far as saying NO, there's only one category we need to focus on...
Maybe, for starters, NO to processed foods, NO to mindless entertainment-
- except that I'm taking Sprout to the Dog Bar to watch the wedding. There's a costume party, the dogs can dress like Harry or Meghan. We didn't have time to pull anything together, so Sprout's just going black tie.
As far as the group energy work, we're still clearing stress related to seed programming, the theme is still EGO.
But also there's an A-Z scan, referring to related physical stress. The screen cast is in the VSA instead of this site, explanations tomorrow.
Some say we're in the Golden Age, a time when many are coming to realize that our biggest problem may be the way we THINK, because it's THOUGHT that creates.
AND, people are searching for information on a wide variety of subjects- health, politics, religion, etc. There's so much out there, though. How do we really know what to KNOW?
For one thing, we must keep our GUTS balanced – it's considered the second brain, some say it's the FIRST- either way, it's the center of intuition.
A diet of processed, sugary foods can skew the gut, and therefore the mind.
A subject for another time. For now, let's talk about another version of know- NO.
For example, in terms of Natural Law- what would happen if those who were ordered to harm their fellow man in any way simply started saying NO?
We're talking about soldiers, police, food manufacturers, sales people, health professionals, attorneys, government workers, political figures-
- even those in the entertainment industry who amass fortunes from song lyrics, tv shows, and movies that promote lower vibratory behavior such as drug and sex abuse, disintegration of the family, worship of the material world, and so on-
Saying NO could cause them some problems, though.
Look at Bill Cosby. Some say his troubles started not because he was into sex and drugs- that's apparently par for the course in the entertainment industry- but because of a dangerous statement he continued to make:
Apparently back in the 90s he even tried to purchase NBC to upgrade the information being “channeled” into America. Rumor has it this offended some powerful people.
Maybe, someday, if we keep taking our probiotics and eating real food we'll know the truth
Can't think much about it today - we have a Royal Wedding!
Harry and Meghan requested a simple wedding, so it's only 10 Million more than William and Kate's!
But a thought- there's so much poverty in London. What if Harry and Meghan had said NO to this extravaganza-and given the (approximate) 43 million paid by Harry's family and the 32 Million paid by the taxpayers to those in need?
A simple wedding could be televised, crowds could still line the street...
But we can't judge. Truth is, as far as saying NO, there's only one category we need to focus on...
Maybe, for starters, NO to processed foods, NO to mindless entertainment-
- except that I'm taking Sprout to the Dog Bar to watch the wedding. There's a costume party, the dogs can dress like Harry or Meghan. We didn't have time to pull anything together, so Sprout's just going black tie.
As far as the group energy work, we're still clearing stress related to seed programming, the theme is still EGO.
But also there's an A-Z scan, referring to related physical stress. The screen cast is in the VSA instead of this site, explanations tomorrow.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Picture this:
You're a boxer, in the match of your life. The opponent keeps knocking you down. Your vision has become so blurred you can't even see who or what you're fighting. A man? A woman? Some sort of monster?
The crowd is screaming- “GET OUT OF THE RING!”
But you don't believe that's possible.
Such is the way many choose to live.
Don't get me wrong- FIGHTING is just an analogy.
We don't really want to fight, as it puts people deeper into bondage.
Instead, when up against unseen forces, call into action your greatest weapon and power shield...
... the unseen power of love.
This is another part of the knowledge the ancients tried to share:
You can see why THAT had to be suppressed!
Because here's the thing- anything you don't like is held into place by an electric charge. HATING OR FEARING makes that charge much more powerful.
(note: complaining also LOCKS IN what's being complained about, which is why its one of the least productive things a person can do.)
Point being- hating, fighting, complaining locks in what you DON'T want.
INSTEAD- along with maintaining the energetic charge of LOVE- learn some new moves.
This involves some work, but can take you out of the RING.
For example, start doing your own research.
Be eclectic, too- for example, did you ever look up Darlie Routier?
With getting information on a wide variety of topics FOR YOURSELF, instead of depending on certain others, you may begin to suspect the media has been somewhat devious – after all, the entertainment industry knows how the human mind works..
They are well aware that stirring up hate, fear, anger- locks in problems, which can be very profitable for the corporate sector.
And – back to the seed programs mentioned yesterday-
- if your research includes learning more about quantum energy you may come to the conclusion that ALL dis-ease is spiritual in nature...
... the result of one or more SEED PROGRAMS.
We're working to clear stress related to this. It loos like our work is cut out, as we're STILL going and our theme is STILL ego.
So, in addition to letting the P3 keep running, we're again bringing our PRO- the PRO TOOLS
Details- etheric, not physical-
Picture this:
You're a boxer, in the match of your life. The opponent keeps knocking you down. Your vision has become so blurred you can't even see who or what you're fighting. A man? A woman? Some sort of monster?
The crowd is screaming- “GET OUT OF THE RING!”
But you don't believe that's possible.
Such is the way many choose to live.
Don't get me wrong- FIGHTING is just an analogy.
We don't really want to fight, as it puts people deeper into bondage.
Instead, when up against unseen forces, call into action your greatest weapon and power shield...
... the unseen power of love.
This is another part of the knowledge the ancients tried to share:
You can see why THAT had to be suppressed!
Because here's the thing- anything you don't like is held into place by an electric charge. HATING OR FEARING makes that charge much more powerful.
(note: complaining also LOCKS IN what's being complained about, which is why its one of the least productive things a person can do.)
Point being- hating, fighting, complaining locks in what you DON'T want.
INSTEAD- along with maintaining the energetic charge of LOVE- learn some new moves.
This involves some work, but can take you out of the RING.
For example, start doing your own research.
Be eclectic, too- for example, did you ever look up Darlie Routier?
With getting information on a wide variety of topics FOR YOURSELF, instead of depending on certain others, you may begin to suspect the media has been somewhat devious – after all, the entertainment industry knows how the human mind works..
They are well aware that stirring up hate, fear, anger- locks in problems, which can be very profitable for the corporate sector.
And – back to the seed programs mentioned yesterday-
- if your research includes learning more about quantum energy you may come to the conclusion that ALL dis-ease is spiritual in nature...
... the result of one or more SEED PROGRAMS.
We're working to clear stress related to this. It loos like our work is cut out, as we're STILL going and our theme is STILL ego.
So, in addition to letting the P3 keep running, we're again bringing our PRO- the PRO TOOLS
Details- etheric, not physical-
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
It was once true that the vast majority of people on the planet lived and died without realizing they came in equipped to create the life they desire.
Those days may be coming to an end, though. Growing numbers are now aware of how our systems truly operate, namely:
We are not matter, but frequency systems, interfaced with multiple energy fields which are, quite literally, sets of informational codes/mathematical formulas.
We are designed to access this information so we can thrive.
But, various forms of static- referred to as stress – can block the information.
“Growing numbers believe this?”you may be thinking.
Well, there are a quite a few of us, but belief is not the correct term. Belief is often a sign of being programmed. We are AWARE. We continue to learn, but no longer automatically accept what others have told us to believe.
Along with understanding how the human energy system operates, we also are coming to realize Natural Law must be followed if we wish to create the life- and world- we desire.
BUT WAIT- murder, theft, lying, coercion, trespassing, rape, and assault- all violate Natural Law. And yet some of the most powerful people on the planet seem to profit from these very things!
Well, those who want to rule the world understand energy and Natural Law. Because of that, they often think they know how to manipulate it.
Take WAR, for example. THEY aren't murdering, raping, trespassing, and so on. The enlisted soldiers are.
AND- ANOTHER EXAMPLE- the ones who are at the top of the sex-trafficking industry may also be great PHILANTHROPISTS.
Okay, fine. But ultimately, there are no loopholes. There is always a penalty for breaking Natural Law.
And here's a way we may have been “coerced”, which also is a violation of Natural Law. It seems much of the knowledge concerning our true power has been destroyed, piece by piece, over a period of time, by those who wish to control the resources of the planet.
Libraries were burned, scholars were tortured and killed, even entire groups of people who searched for true knowledge were wiped out.
Case in point- the Cathars.
The Cathars had some interesting information about energy. They were WAY ahead of the consciousness of the time.
Somehow they suspected their knowledge- along with THEM- would be destroyed.
That's probably why they buried a bunch of scrolls that contained the information.
In 1945 these scrolls were discovered.
Among other things, these writings said humans and the physical world were constantly being manipulated by unseen forces. Only with awareness could humans regain control.
(no wonder the rulers of the time wanted Cathars eliminated.)
So, a question- could these “forces” have implemented core programming that diminished the power of the human race?
Here are 8 examples of what is known as SEED PROGRAMMING
You are defective and therefore not whole.
You are lacking in the essentials of what you need to get along in life.
You are dependent upon the people and institutions around you for all your needs.
What you see is all there is. What you have been told is all there is to know.
You are born into a hostile Universe.
Nothing lasts.
You can never know.
Everything that can be known is already known.
In the group, we're still working, energetically, on clearing stress related to the first, “You are defective and therefore not whole”.*
Details- etheric, not physical
It was once true that the vast majority of people on the planet lived and died without realizing they came in equipped to create the life they desire.
Those days may be coming to an end, though. Growing numbers are now aware of how our systems truly operate, namely:
We are not matter, but frequency systems, interfaced with multiple energy fields which are, quite literally, sets of informational codes/mathematical formulas.
We are designed to access this information so we can thrive.
But, various forms of static- referred to as stress – can block the information.
“Growing numbers believe this?”you may be thinking.
Well, there are a quite a few of us, but belief is not the correct term. Belief is often a sign of being programmed. We are AWARE. We continue to learn, but no longer automatically accept what others have told us to believe.
Along with understanding how the human energy system operates, we also are coming to realize Natural Law must be followed if we wish to create the life- and world- we desire.
BUT WAIT- murder, theft, lying, coercion, trespassing, rape, and assault- all violate Natural Law. And yet some of the most powerful people on the planet seem to profit from these very things!
Well, those who want to rule the world understand energy and Natural Law. Because of that, they often think they know how to manipulate it.
Take WAR, for example. THEY aren't murdering, raping, trespassing, and so on. The enlisted soldiers are.
AND- ANOTHER EXAMPLE- the ones who are at the top of the sex-trafficking industry may also be great PHILANTHROPISTS.
Okay, fine. But ultimately, there are no loopholes. There is always a penalty for breaking Natural Law.
And here's a way we may have been “coerced”, which also is a violation of Natural Law. It seems much of the knowledge concerning our true power has been destroyed, piece by piece, over a period of time, by those who wish to control the resources of the planet.
Libraries were burned, scholars were tortured and killed, even entire groups of people who searched for true knowledge were wiped out.
Case in point- the Cathars.
The Cathars had some interesting information about energy. They were WAY ahead of the consciousness of the time.
Somehow they suspected their knowledge- along with THEM- would be destroyed.
That's probably why they buried a bunch of scrolls that contained the information.
In 1945 these scrolls were discovered.
Among other things, these writings said humans and the physical world were constantly being manipulated by unseen forces. Only with awareness could humans regain control.
(no wonder the rulers of the time wanted Cathars eliminated.)
So, a question- could these “forces” have implemented core programming that diminished the power of the human race?
Here are 8 examples of what is known as SEED PROGRAMMING
You are defective and therefore not whole.
You are lacking in the essentials of what you need to get along in life.
You are dependent upon the people and institutions around you for all your needs.
What you see is all there is. What you have been told is all there is to know.
You are born into a hostile Universe.
Nothing lasts.
You can never know.
Everything that can be known is already known.
In the group, we're still working, energetically, on clearing stress related to the first, “You are defective and therefore not whole”.*
Details- etheric, not physical
Monday, May 14, 2018
We live in an electromagnetic spectrum of informational energy.
We can only “see” (with our 5 senses) about .1% of what's out there.
Science has learned to work with this spectrum on a limited basis. This is where our frequency gadgets- TV, radios, computers, phones- come from.
What most don't realize is that there's FAR MORE information out there...
...and a system set up to access it.
Everything we need to thrive is available.
There are challenges in accessing it, though.
For one thing, access is based on life force, or voltage. Just like a cell phone keeps losing signals when it's weak, or drained of energy, so do we.
The more stress we're exposed to, the lower our voltage goes.
Also, our human systems are highly programmable.
Awareness can clear non-beneficial programming -- we're that powerful- but ...
...we're programmed to resist awareness.
SEED programs, downloaded or "seeded" into the collective, are a part of this.
It seems there are nine such programs. In the energy group we're working to manage this stress, starting with:
Like all programs, this is false. Each of us is here for a purpose. We are a vital part of the WHOLE, and deficient in no way.
The theme at this point, automatically selected by the SRC based on stress level, is EGO.
Makes sense. Every computer needs an operator and the EGO is ours.
Just like a person may be hesitant to download a new program on their man-made computer because of a concern they won't understand how to operate it once the new stuff is there-
we're the same when it comes to downloading new information into OUR system.
This is why most self-improvement programs fail.
SRC technology can assist in clearing this kind of blockage. Details of where we are with this are below- but meanwhile-
Where did these SEED programs come from?
Today's scan, etheric, not physical
We live in an electromagnetic spectrum of informational energy.
We can only “see” (with our 5 senses) about .1% of what's out there.
Science has learned to work with this spectrum on a limited basis. This is where our frequency gadgets- TV, radios, computers, phones- come from.
What most don't realize is that there's FAR MORE information out there...
...and a system set up to access it.
Everything we need to thrive is available.
There are challenges in accessing it, though.
For one thing, access is based on life force, or voltage. Just like a cell phone keeps losing signals when it's weak, or drained of energy, so do we.
The more stress we're exposed to, the lower our voltage goes.
Also, our human systems are highly programmable.
Awareness can clear non-beneficial programming -- we're that powerful- but ...
...we're programmed to resist awareness.
SEED programs, downloaded or "seeded" into the collective, are a part of this.
It seems there are nine such programs. In the energy group we're working to manage this stress, starting with:
Like all programs, this is false. Each of us is here for a purpose. We are a vital part of the WHOLE, and deficient in no way.
The theme at this point, automatically selected by the SRC based on stress level, is EGO.
Makes sense. Every computer needs an operator and the EGO is ours.
Just like a person may be hesitant to download a new program on their man-made computer because of a concern they won't understand how to operate it once the new stuff is there-
we're the same when it comes to downloading new information into OUR system.
This is why most self-improvement programs fail.
SRC technology can assist in clearing this kind of blockage. Details of where we are with this are below- but meanwhile-
Where did these SEED programs come from?
Today's scan, etheric, not physical
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Each individual has the utmost control over his or her own life.
That being the case, why is there so much struggle in the world? Surely we don't want poverty, corrupt governments, war...
...and yet we keep creating it.
It could be that we're programmed to do so. The human system IS highly programmable.
Families, caretakers, educators, layered in with culture and nationality, are possibly the main source of this programming. Now, though, we have to take into consideration TV, computers, music- as so many children are also exposed to all of this in their most formative years.
Anyway, I remember telling my mother- and this was before starting school OR having a television - that I was going to be a detective when I grew up. Don't know where that came from. In between those years there were some other ideas, but after graduating from college I found myself filling out an application for a position with the FBI and actually getting an interview.
This would have been 1969. I was a child prodigy so had graduated at age 5.
Okay, just kidding- wanted you to know the date, though- because, back then, when I went to the interview they thought I was applying for clerical work. When I said NO, I wanted to be an AGENT they laughed their heads off!
So, by default I became a teacher. Back then, standard programming for women with education was teacher or nurse, and I hadn't done so well in chemistry.
Point being, you have your programming, I have mine. We don't know where all of it comes from.
But, with awareness, we DO have a great deal of control over it. For example, wouldn't it be interesting to see what would happen if children were taught Natural Law at an early age?
And face it – maybe we should consider this. The deep struggle in the world indicates our present collective programming isn't working out so well.
This same programming has convinced many that change isn't possible. But it's not true. Maybe it's just that the way we've attempted change, up to this point, has been to try and change OTHERS.
REAL change comes from within.
It involves clearing non-beneficial programming- BELIEFS.
So, for the group, we're going to examine and work towards clearing some SEED (programmed) BELIEFS. There are 9 that, collectively, we seem to share.
(It registered at 80%- in other words,it seems to be a huge source of stress)
And one last thing-
That urge to be a detective never left. Working with the SRC can be like doing detective work, but also, it seems I've always had an inclination to investigate, on my own, information presented to the public by the corporate structure.
That's why the internet has been such a transformation for me personally- reports, documents, and so on are available.
With that in mind, and if you have the inclination, look up Darlie Routier and Diane Downs, two mothers convicted- with the help of the media- of the murder/attempted murder of their children.
But what's this got to do with anything?
I'll leave that to you to figure out.
Today's scan, etheric, not physical
Each individual has the utmost control over his or her own life.
That being the case, why is there so much struggle in the world? Surely we don't want poverty, corrupt governments, war...
...and yet we keep creating it.
It could be that we're programmed to do so. The human system IS highly programmable.
Families, caretakers, educators, layered in with culture and nationality, are possibly the main source of this programming. Now, though, we have to take into consideration TV, computers, music- as so many children are also exposed to all of this in their most formative years.
Anyway, I remember telling my mother- and this was before starting school OR having a television - that I was going to be a detective when I grew up. Don't know where that came from. In between those years there were some other ideas, but after graduating from college I found myself filling out an application for a position with the FBI and actually getting an interview.
This would have been 1969. I was a child prodigy so had graduated at age 5.
Okay, just kidding- wanted you to know the date, though- because, back then, when I went to the interview they thought I was applying for clerical work. When I said NO, I wanted to be an AGENT they laughed their heads off!
So, by default I became a teacher. Back then, standard programming for women with education was teacher or nurse, and I hadn't done so well in chemistry.
Point being, you have your programming, I have mine. We don't know where all of it comes from.
But, with awareness, we DO have a great deal of control over it. For example, wouldn't it be interesting to see what would happen if children were taught Natural Law at an early age?
And face it – maybe we should consider this. The deep struggle in the world indicates our present collective programming isn't working out so well.
This same programming has convinced many that change isn't possible. But it's not true. Maybe it's just that the way we've attempted change, up to this point, has been to try and change OTHERS.
REAL change comes from within.
It involves clearing non-beneficial programming- BELIEFS.
So, for the group, we're going to examine and work towards clearing some SEED (programmed) BELIEFS. There are 9 that, collectively, we seem to share.
(It registered at 80%- in other words,it seems to be a huge source of stress)
And one last thing-
That urge to be a detective never left. Working with the SRC can be like doing detective work, but also, it seems I've always had an inclination to investigate, on my own, information presented to the public by the corporate structure.
That's why the internet has been such a transformation for me personally- reports, documents, and so on are available.
With that in mind, and if you have the inclination, look up Darlie Routier and Diane Downs, two mothers convicted- with the help of the media- of the murder/attempted murder of their children.
But what's this got to do with anything?
I'll leave that to you to figure out.
Today's scan, etheric, not physical
Friday, May 11, 2018
Aristotle said “ It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
SO, I've been thinking...is it possible Bill Cosby was framed?
He would have been remembered for his philanthropy- empowerment of others- brilliance- except for the fact that 60+ women came forward to say he drugged and raped them.
Now he'll be remembered as a monster.
This has been on my mind. Maybe that's why, last night, I had one of the craziest dreams EVER-
Albert Einstein came to visit.
He held out a brightly burning candle. “I've been traveling the world to find a person who can hold their hand over this flame without burning their skin”, he said.
I reached out my hand and OUCH.
Smiling, he said “No one can do this. I was just playing with your mind...
...aren't you aware of how your culture plays with people's minds? Even in my day this was the case. I refused to play, though. When I was 16 my teacher told me I would never amount to anything because I was a rebel, too unorthodox in my thinking..
So, I dropped out of school and pursued my own education. It worked out pretty well. Anyway, while I'm here, do you have any questions for me?”
My mind went completely blank. But, he'd apparently tuned in earlier.
“Many people recognize the word propaganda as a negative term used to describe psychological manipulation. But in my time propaganda was just another term for media.
The media- mainstream and social- destroyed Bill Cosby.
Don't get me wrong- it seems he danced with the Devil at times. But it was through mainstream and social media that people rushed to judgment without examining all the facts.”
I came to life. “But there were so many inconsistencies..."
Einstein, possibly one of the most brilliant human beings ever to live, held up a hand and said
“Definitely do your own research, because that expands consciousness. And care- because what happened was evil. AND- many innocent people have had their lives destroyed by the media.
But don't try to convince anyone that Bill Cosby is one of these people. Human beings are highly programmable. If they're programmed to believe Cosby's guilty, you'll be wasting your energy.
Instead, focus on LOVE.
Aren't you talking about SALES in the group? Did you know one of the primary qualities of a good salesman is to greet each day with love in their heart?
Keep talking about the science of Natural Law, too. Just like no one can hold their hand over a candle flame without getting burned, they can't break Natural Law, either, without consequences.”
“Thank you”, I said.
But he was fading out. Then... one last message...
“ While it's important to think rationally, sometimes we are better served by imagination...and, by the way, Mother Jones says hello.”
Today's scan- etheric, not physical-
Aristotle said “ It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
SO, I've been thinking...is it possible Bill Cosby was framed?
He would have been remembered for his philanthropy- empowerment of others- brilliance- except for the fact that 60+ women came forward to say he drugged and raped them.
Now he'll be remembered as a monster.
This has been on my mind. Maybe that's why, last night, I had one of the craziest dreams EVER-
Albert Einstein came to visit.
He held out a brightly burning candle. “I've been traveling the world to find a person who can hold their hand over this flame without burning their skin”, he said.
I reached out my hand and OUCH.
Smiling, he said “No one can do this. I was just playing with your mind...
...aren't you aware of how your culture plays with people's minds? Even in my day this was the case. I refused to play, though. When I was 16 my teacher told me I would never amount to anything because I was a rebel, too unorthodox in my thinking..
So, I dropped out of school and pursued my own education. It worked out pretty well. Anyway, while I'm here, do you have any questions for me?”
My mind went completely blank. But, he'd apparently tuned in earlier.
“Many people recognize the word propaganda as a negative term used to describe psychological manipulation. But in my time propaganda was just another term for media.
The media- mainstream and social- destroyed Bill Cosby.
Don't get me wrong- it seems he danced with the Devil at times. But it was through mainstream and social media that people rushed to judgment without examining all the facts.”
I came to life. “But there were so many inconsistencies..."
Einstein, possibly one of the most brilliant human beings ever to live, held up a hand and said
“Definitely do your own research, because that expands consciousness. And care- because what happened was evil. AND- many innocent people have had their lives destroyed by the media.
But don't try to convince anyone that Bill Cosby is one of these people. Human beings are highly programmable. If they're programmed to believe Cosby's guilty, you'll be wasting your energy.
Instead, focus on LOVE.
Aren't you talking about SALES in the group? Did you know one of the primary qualities of a good salesman is to greet each day with love in their heart?
Keep talking about the science of Natural Law, too. Just like no one can hold their hand over a candle flame without getting burned, they can't break Natural Law, either, without consequences.”
“Thank you”, I said.
But he was fading out. Then... one last message...
“ While it's important to think rationally, sometimes we are better served by imagination...and, by the way, Mother Jones says hello.”
Today's scan- etheric, not physical-
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
The first step to ANY positive change- developing a sales career or whatever- is to form good habits.
I have my share of BAD, and replacing them with GOOD is a work in progress...
... but something to think about- a new habit isn't always about DOING something different, but THINKING differently.
So, in terms of thinking, let's talk about BELIEVING vs KNOWING.
Each plays a huge role in shaping consciousness.
What's BELIEVED is second hand information.
For example, if you've formed an opinion that SRC stress management couldn't possibly make a difference in your life, but haven't tried it out or yourself, this is a BELIEF.
Trying it out for yourself would be the only way to KNOW.
Along the same line, a person might not believe in gravity, but if they put it to the test by stepping off a cliff they will soon KNOW there IS such a thing.
(don't try this.)
Point is that the habit of BELIEVING is an unlocked door to failure. It lowers awareness, and therefore consciousness.
On the other hand, KNOWING- which involves personal research and/or experience- correlates with higher consciousness.
So, for the next few days, we're going to investigate facts related to 3 people-
Bill Cosby, Darlie Routier, and Diane Downs.
Are they guilty of crimes?
(If you're not familiar with these last 2 names, there's plenty of information online. But apparently just about everyone knows what's going on with Bill Cosby.)
For the group work- etheric, not physical- we've now cleared all themes related to “enhancements” and have progressed to the wonder click.
The present theme is deficiencies and weaknesses,
Along with this, we're running the Sei Heki symbol in the Reiki panel.
Known as the harmony symbol, it brings balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain to release unwanted habits.
Along with this, it plays a huge role in releasing unwanted memories, stress, emotions, traumas, resistance, and various illnesses.
Finally, it can strengthen affirmations and assist in reaching goals and finishing projects.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Have you had time to think about what you would do with the money if you had a lucrative sales career?
How about you SHARE - even HALF of what you bring in - with those in need?
Because, true sales is not about acquiring wealth- it's about sharing from the heart. (What you're “selling” may not even be anything that gives monetary gain! It could be, for example, a philosophy of life, health practices, and so on. Why should you be failing at this?)
One key to success- the major- is to follow Natural Law.
Natural Laws are the Laws of Creation. They involve electromagnetism, physics, subatomic particles- anything that controls how matter interacts.
They are binding. We have free will to choose whether or not to follow them, but not the ability to escape the consequences.
We've listed these laws a while back, and there's plenty of information online. But to keep it simple, there are 7 behaviors that break Natural Law: murder, rape, assault, trespassing, coercion, theft, and willfully lying.
So, for example, you don't want to manipulate/ force others, or have the following joke describe how you operate - “How can you tell a salesperson is lying? Their lips are moving.”
I personally know plenty of people, though- sharing, loving, honest - with a great passion to help others- who believe they can't sell ANYTHING.
They've tried, and failed, repeatedly.
This indicates unwanted CONDITIONING-
Any and all conditioning is held in place by an electromagnetic charge, which can be canceled out. (we ourselves are electromagnetic.)
This “canceling” can involve energetic stress-management. But, at the same time, there are some 3D habits that will need to change.
For example- are you complaining? Thinking/ talking about all your failures? Afraid you can't support yourself?
This will re-introduce unwanted patterns of energy.
Also, are you writing affirmations?
Yes, we've talked about this already. I'm repeating it. It's THAT important.
Every morning, first thing, WRITE OUT, 10x, what you want to accomplish via your sales from the heart.
A suggested format: “I, (your name) am now (your goal), in a perfect and correct way fro my highest and best.
ALSO: Sitting on the commode puts a person in alpha brain wave state, so consider writing your affirmations while sitting there. I know, LOL, but do you want to change things, or not?
As the words are repeated, they will be imprinted on your unconscious mind. You will then resonate with what you desire, pulling it in, provided it is for the highest good of all concerned.
It's already in the surrounding energy, waiting for you.
Of course, you may be conditioned to believe something like this is ridiculous.
Bring this into your consciousness. (think about it.)...
...because, it may be time to clear the barriers that have kept you from a successful sales career.
For today's work- etheric, not physical-we're going further with “enhancements”, theme is still crown chakra, but also working with the recharger to balance the nervous system.
Have you had time to think about what you would do with the money if you had a lucrative sales career?
How about you SHARE - even HALF of what you bring in - with those in need?
Because, true sales is not about acquiring wealth- it's about sharing from the heart. (What you're “selling” may not even be anything that gives monetary gain! It could be, for example, a philosophy of life, health practices, and so on. Why should you be failing at this?)
One key to success- the major- is to follow Natural Law.
Natural Laws are the Laws of Creation. They involve electromagnetism, physics, subatomic particles- anything that controls how matter interacts.
They are binding. We have free will to choose whether or not to follow them, but not the ability to escape the consequences.
We've listed these laws a while back, and there's plenty of information online. But to keep it simple, there are 7 behaviors that break Natural Law: murder, rape, assault, trespassing, coercion, theft, and willfully lying.
So, for example, you don't want to manipulate/ force others, or have the following joke describe how you operate - “How can you tell a salesperson is lying? Their lips are moving.”
I personally know plenty of people, though- sharing, loving, honest - with a great passion to help others- who believe they can't sell ANYTHING.
They've tried, and failed, repeatedly.
This indicates unwanted CONDITIONING-
Any and all conditioning is held in place by an electromagnetic charge, which can be canceled out. (we ourselves are electromagnetic.)
This “canceling” can involve energetic stress-management. But, at the same time, there are some 3D habits that will need to change.
For example- are you complaining? Thinking/ talking about all your failures? Afraid you can't support yourself?
This will re-introduce unwanted patterns of energy.
Also, are you writing affirmations?
Yes, we've talked about this already. I'm repeating it. It's THAT important.
Every morning, first thing, WRITE OUT, 10x, what you want to accomplish via your sales from the heart.
A suggested format: “I, (your name) am now (your goal), in a perfect and correct way fro my highest and best.
ALSO: Sitting on the commode puts a person in alpha brain wave state, so consider writing your affirmations while sitting there. I know, LOL, but do you want to change things, or not?
As the words are repeated, they will be imprinted on your unconscious mind. You will then resonate with what you desire, pulling it in, provided it is for the highest good of all concerned.
It's already in the surrounding energy, waiting for you.
Of course, you may be conditioned to believe something like this is ridiculous.
Bring this into your consciousness. (think about it.)...
...because, it may be time to clear the barriers that have kept you from a successful sales career.
For today's work- etheric, not physical-we're going further with “enhancements”, theme is still crown chakra, but also working with the recharger to balance the nervous system.
Monday, May 7, 2018
For the last 2 days the group has been receiving stress-management related to a category in the SRC known as “enhancements”.
There appears to be significant stress related to this. (the entire list of “enhancements” is at the bottom of this post).
With the SRC4U software, a person could select what they CONSCIOUSLY want to enhance, or they could scan and see what their UNCONSCIOUS wants.
For example, this morning I scanned myself and saw that I want to work on goal setting skills. A deeper scan, which is demonstrated in today's screen cast, gave more insight.
Meanwhile, for the SRC4U group, we've been receiving the energy of the ENTIRE list, so that each member can receive what's most appropriate for them. (Along with this, we've receiving the cosmetic/fitness program.)
However, when the SRC4U group was scanned for TOP priority, it was SALES SKILLS.
So, as we continue to receive the energy of the entire list - the theme has been CROWN CHAKRA since Friday- let's talk about SELLING.
First, by now you're aware that most of what we perceive concerning our reality is FALSE.
There are many reasons for this, but the primary may be the way we process information.
Our 5 senses often bring it in BACKWARDS.
So, if you see salespeople as manipulative, greedy, not to be trusted- you might want to reconsider.
Selling is REALLY about problem-solving
PUT ANOTHER WAY - it's mastering the art of living NOT FOR ONESELF, but for others.
Full comprehension of this involves understanding and then living by Natural Law.
So, yes, a sales career could be a way to get ahead financially. But there's a whole bunch more.
With that in mind, before tomorrow, ask yourself what you would do with the money brought in from a successful sales career.
Also, here's the entire list of enhancements in the software.
For today's SRC4U screen cast- etheric, not physical-.we'll take a quick look at where we are as a group today - then there's a demonstration, for those who own the SRC4U software, on how to work with it related to personal enhancements in general, but focused on goal-setting.
For the last 2 days the group has been receiving stress-management related to a category in the SRC known as “enhancements”.
There appears to be significant stress related to this. (the entire list of “enhancements” is at the bottom of this post).
With the SRC4U software, a person could select what they CONSCIOUSLY want to enhance, or they could scan and see what their UNCONSCIOUS wants.
For example, this morning I scanned myself and saw that I want to work on goal setting skills. A deeper scan, which is demonstrated in today's screen cast, gave more insight.
Meanwhile, for the SRC4U group, we've been receiving the energy of the ENTIRE list, so that each member can receive what's most appropriate for them. (Along with this, we've receiving the cosmetic/fitness program.)
However, when the SRC4U group was scanned for TOP priority, it was SALES SKILLS.
So, as we continue to receive the energy of the entire list - the theme has been CROWN CHAKRA since Friday- let's talk about SELLING.
First, by now you're aware that most of what we perceive concerning our reality is FALSE.
There are many reasons for this, but the primary may be the way we process information.
Our 5 senses often bring it in BACKWARDS.
So, if you see salespeople as manipulative, greedy, not to be trusted- you might want to reconsider.
Selling is REALLY about problem-solving
PUT ANOTHER WAY - it's mastering the art of living NOT FOR ONESELF, but for others.
Full comprehension of this involves understanding and then living by Natural Law.
So, yes, a sales career could be a way to get ahead financially. But there's a whole bunch more.
With that in mind, before tomorrow, ask yourself what you would do with the money brought in from a successful sales career.
Also, here's the entire list of enhancements in the software.
- Added: Attention to detail skills
- Added: Body
- Added: Communication skills
- Added: Concentration skills
- Added: Counseling Skills
- Added: Emotional Balance
- Added: Exercise Program
- Added: Financial skills
- Added: Glands
- Added: Goal setting Skills
- Added: Good Habits
- Added: Hobby
- Added: Immune System
- Added: Interpersonal skills
- Added: Intuitive skills
- Added: Language Skills
- Added: Learning Curve
- Added: Listening Skills
- Added: Lymphatic System
- Added: Mathematical skills
- Added: Meridian System
- Added: Motivational Skills
- Added: Organs
- Added: Physicality
- Added: Planning skills
- Added: Relationship Skills
- Added: Sales Skills
- Added: Self Image
- Added: Sexuality
- Added: Spirituality
- Added: Sport Activity
- Added: Study Skills
- Added: Work Ethic
- Added: Writing skills
For today's SRC4U screen cast- etheric, not physical-.we'll take a quick look at where we are as a group today - then there's a demonstration, for those who own the SRC4U software, on how to work with it related to personal enhancements in general, but focused on goal-setting.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Every morning, first thing, is SRC4u work.
After the group session, my daughter and Sprout get a quick “Wonder Click”.
(and even though he's a playful 5 month old puppy, Sprout curls up on a pillow every morning till this work is finished!)
And yes, I also give myself a quick boost.
We're all in the group, and that's where the in-depth work is done.
For example, as a group we've been managing stress related to the Antique Shu Points- along with the cosmetic/fitness program.
That's now completed. The new theme is "Crown Chakra".
Today there was also a Root Source Scan, which revealed stress related to the inflammatory process.
There are pro tools running for this - specifically the issue solver, prayer warrior, re-charger, and light therapy.
Also, we're still working with the Mediator in reference to intuition, living in the present, the capacity to feel emotions without being GRIPPED by them, relief from judgment...
... all which can lead to complete self-sufficiency and independence.
“Mediator? “ you may be thinking- YES, often what we most desire on a conscious level is resisted by the unconscious mind.
This is related to negative energy patterns we seem to pick up throughout life.
(That's why I do the Mediator every morning for my affirmation,- even though I've written it out 10 times as well.)
But why is quantum stress-management software, such as the SRC, necessary?
Well, there's a lot of stress - toxins in our air, food, and water, wireless energy, media/corporate programming...to name just a few highlights.
It seems this has led to an increase in physical and mental dis-ease, as well as an overall lack of joy.
Science now demonstrates that all this begins in the etheric field, which is a band of energy surrounding the human body- surrounding everything, actually. This field serves as the blueprint for what we perceive as our “reality”.
The SRC4u sends “energetic qi gong” to THAT band of energy. The goal is to clear stress, allow voltage/life force to rise,and as a result empower the body/mind to self-heal.
AND,a bonus- because the SRC4U software is tapping into energy we can't “see”, information can be gathered that wouldn't be available any other way.
Details in today's scan- etheric, not physical
Every morning, first thing, is SRC4u work.
After the group session, my daughter and Sprout get a quick “Wonder Click”.
(and even though he's a playful 5 month old puppy, Sprout curls up on a pillow every morning till this work is finished!)
And yes, I also give myself a quick boost.
We're all in the group, and that's where the in-depth work is done.

That's now completed. The new theme is "Crown Chakra".
Today there was also a Root Source Scan, which revealed stress related to the inflammatory process.
There are pro tools running for this - specifically the issue solver, prayer warrior, re-charger, and light therapy.
Also, we're still working with the Mediator in reference to intuition, living in the present, the capacity to feel emotions without being GRIPPED by them, relief from judgment...
... all which can lead to complete self-sufficiency and independence.
“Mediator? “ you may be thinking- YES, often what we most desire on a conscious level is resisted by the unconscious mind.
This is related to negative energy patterns we seem to pick up throughout life.
(That's why I do the Mediator every morning for my affirmation,- even though I've written it out 10 times as well.)
But why is quantum stress-management software, such as the SRC, necessary?
Well, there's a lot of stress - toxins in our air, food, and water, wireless energy, media/corporate programming...to name just a few highlights.
It seems this has led to an increase in physical and mental dis-ease, as well as an overall lack of joy.
Science now demonstrates that all this begins in the etheric field, which is a band of energy surrounding the human body- surrounding everything, actually. This field serves as the blueprint for what we perceive as our “reality”.
The SRC4u sends “energetic qi gong” to THAT band of energy. The goal is to clear stress, allow voltage/life force to rise,and as a result empower the body/mind to self-heal.
AND,a bonus- because the SRC4U software is tapping into energy we can't “see”, information can be gathered that wouldn't be available any other way.
Details in today's scan- etheric, not physical
Cathy D. Slaght's Book: "The Formula For Everything You Ever Wanted".
Thursday, May 3, 2018
If you ever doubt that that you're living much of your life in a state of hypnosis, try moving the trashcan in your kitchen.
Then take note of how many times you keep walking to the old spot, trash in hand.
So- something to think about, relative to individual or,in this case, group SRC work.
We're focused on clearing – through May 22 - stress related to the HARA chakra- which represents intuition.
This will lead us to a variety of subjects, such as detoxing, HWI syndrome, polarity, and so on-
But, on a higher level, we're working to expand our BAND OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
This means:
ALWAYS trusting intuition.
(Even with energy flowing, unblocked, through the Hara Line, much of what we think we KNOW – intuit- is just what's been programmed into our mind. With consistent SRC stress management, there seems to be an opening of the mind BEYOND programming.)
Living in the moment instead of the past or future.
Relief from the need to judge self or others.
(For example, Aleister Crowley is judged harshly by many. But do you know what shaped his band of consciousness? He was abused in Christian boarding schools.).
There would be freedom from the GRIP of emotion , but the capacity to FEEL.
So, the other day we, as a group, requested some energy for sales skills. I'm excited to get into this, because we're going to talk about QUANTUM SELLING.
If you ever doubt that that you're living much of your life in a state of hypnosis, try moving the trashcan in your kitchen.
Then take note of how many times you keep walking to the old spot, trash in hand.
So- something to think about, relative to individual or,in this case, group SRC work.
We're focused on clearing – through May 22 - stress related to the HARA chakra- which represents intuition.
This will lead us to a variety of subjects, such as detoxing, HWI syndrome, polarity, and so on-
But, on a higher level, we're working to expand our BAND OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
This means:
ALWAYS trusting intuition.
(Even with energy flowing, unblocked, through the Hara Line, much of what we think we KNOW – intuit- is just what's been programmed into our mind. With consistent SRC stress management, there seems to be an opening of the mind BEYOND programming.)
Living in the moment instead of the past or future.
Relief from the need to judge self or others.
(For example, Aleister Crowley is judged harshly by many. But do you know what shaped his band of consciousness? He was abused in Christian boarding schools.).
There would be freedom from the GRIP of emotion , but the capacity to FEEL.
So, the other day we, as a group, requested some energy for sales skills. I'm excited to get into this, because we're going to talk about QUANTUM SELLING.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Yesterday a friend made a comment about the dentist who pulled out the 10 year old's baby teeth without anesthesia.
“No dentist would do that!” she said.
But first, this was in the '50s. And second, there is no group- teachers, doctors, dentists, clergy, politicians- that doesn't have some psychopaths.
This is, and always has been, the state of the world.
But, as humans, we have an escape hatch- a GIFT.
We are designed to project the reality we desire.
Psychopaths or no psychopaths.
The challenge is that most people live and die without ever accessing this gift. Why? Because there's no comprehension as to our true nature.
We are electrical, and operate much like computers. Just like a man-made computer pulls in information from the world wide web, WE pull in information from a vast grid of endless informational/energy fields.
If our electrical system gets shorted out by various forms of stress, static results. Then things can go haywire.
But remember the Law of Polarity. There's a solution for everything. The Intelligence that put this informational grid together made sure of that.
In other words, there are ways to clear this static. We do it on a daily basis with the SRC.
And, here's another way. It falls into the “what could it hurt?” category.
To balance polarity, take your index finger and run it across your forehead, right to left, 3x in a row.
I tested this out on the SRC with a client whose polarity was off kilter. Before this simple maneuver her polarity was 41%, after it was 91%.
Because of all the EMF and so on, what would it hurt to do this several times a day?
And, let's not focus on psychopaths, or what's going to happen to us because 5G- or ANY of that.
Let's clear static – which will keep our voltage HIGH- so we can pull in what we DO want.
It's what we're designed to do.
For the group, we're still working on stress related to the Antique Shu Points. Initially we asked for just a short time on this, but must have been calibrating, because we're still going on this theme.
As I understand it, these are points to transport energy.
Yesterday a friend made a comment about the dentist who pulled out the 10 year old's baby teeth without anesthesia.
“No dentist would do that!” she said.
But first, this was in the '50s. And second, there is no group- teachers, doctors, dentists, clergy, politicians- that doesn't have some psychopaths.
This is, and always has been, the state of the world.
But, as humans, we have an escape hatch- a GIFT.
We are designed to project the reality we desire.
Psychopaths or no psychopaths.
The challenge is that most people live and die without ever accessing this gift. Why? Because there's no comprehension as to our true nature.
We are electrical, and operate much like computers. Just like a man-made computer pulls in information from the world wide web, WE pull in information from a vast grid of endless informational/energy fields.
If our electrical system gets shorted out by various forms of stress, static results. Then things can go haywire.
But remember the Law of Polarity. There's a solution for everything. The Intelligence that put this informational grid together made sure of that.
In other words, there are ways to clear this static. We do it on a daily basis with the SRC.
And, here's another way. It falls into the “what could it hurt?” category.
To balance polarity, take your index finger and run it across your forehead, right to left, 3x in a row.
I tested this out on the SRC with a client whose polarity was off kilter. Before this simple maneuver her polarity was 41%, after it was 91%.
Because of all the EMF and so on, what would it hurt to do this several times a day?
And, let's not focus on psychopaths, or what's going to happen to us because 5G- or ANY of that.
Let's clear static – which will keep our voltage HIGH- so we can pull in what we DO want.
It's what we're designed to do.
For the group, we're still working on stress related to the Antique Shu Points. Initially we asked for just a short time on this, but must have been calibrating, because we're still going on this theme.
As I understand it, these are points to transport energy.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Years ago- 2002 to be precise- a client came in who had been referred by an M.D.
This is a rarity. But he was puzzled. NOTHING had given this person relief from life-long, severe pain in her neck and shoulders. It was constant, keeping her in misery, impacting her career and relationships.
She'd spent a small fortune on both mainstream and alternative therapies, with no relief.
His treatments- even prescription medicine- hadn't helped, either. But he'd recently seen a demonstration of quantum stress management software, so sent her in.
Our sessions were ineffective, too, as far as relieving the pain. But she enjoyed them. I eventually gave her a sliding scale, FREE.
(As I understand it, this is how it was done in ancient China. When a person had regular sessions with their Qi Gong practitioner, for which the practitioner was paid, they were supposed to stay healthy. If they got SICK, the work was free until the situation was remedied.)
Anyway, back then I worked with a different software program. With the SRC, there was slight improvement, enough that she bought her own SRC.
Still, here we were, after YEARS of work, and she continued to experience pain. PLUS she was having major setbacks in her personal life.
Finally it dawned on us that the SRC dowser could be giving a clue.
Namely- we couldn't trust it. It was ALWAYS wrong. .
This is not typical- computer generated dowsing SHOULD be highly accurate.
Dowsers know the significance of balancing polarity before working with a pendulum, The SRC should be doing this automatically, but we also began to dowse it in.
Her polarity wouldn't hold for more than a few minutes.
Asking questions with the SRC dowser - balancing polarity each step of the way- we learned she might be chronically “switched”. Going further, it seemed this might have happened as a result of a dental appointment when she was 10.
(yes, you can do this kind of work with the SRC)
Her baby teeth had still been in, so a dentist had pulled them all out in one day. No anesthesia. Since that time, she could not remember ever feeling “right”.
The trauma appeared to have blown out- energetically- her electrical system.
So, now we have a new cocktail, POLARITY.
Obviously, she was our test subject.
AND- things are turning around for her.
Years ago- 2002 to be precise- a client came in who had been referred by an M.D.
This is a rarity. But he was puzzled. NOTHING had given this person relief from life-long, severe pain in her neck and shoulders. It was constant, keeping her in misery, impacting her career and relationships.
She'd spent a small fortune on both mainstream and alternative therapies, with no relief.
His treatments- even prescription medicine- hadn't helped, either. But he'd recently seen a demonstration of quantum stress management software, so sent her in.
Our sessions were ineffective, too, as far as relieving the pain. But she enjoyed them. I eventually gave her a sliding scale, FREE.
(As I understand it, this is how it was done in ancient China. When a person had regular sessions with their Qi Gong practitioner, for which the practitioner was paid, they were supposed to stay healthy. If they got SICK, the work was free until the situation was remedied.)
Anyway, back then I worked with a different software program. With the SRC, there was slight improvement, enough that she bought her own SRC.
Still, here we were, after YEARS of work, and she continued to experience pain. PLUS she was having major setbacks in her personal life.
Finally it dawned on us that the SRC dowser could be giving a clue.
Namely- we couldn't trust it. It was ALWAYS wrong. .
This is not typical- computer generated dowsing SHOULD be highly accurate.
Dowsers know the significance of balancing polarity before working with a pendulum, The SRC should be doing this automatically, but we also began to dowse it in.
Her polarity wouldn't hold for more than a few minutes.
Asking questions with the SRC dowser - balancing polarity each step of the way- we learned she might be chronically “switched”. Going further, it seemed this might have happened as a result of a dental appointment when she was 10.
(yes, you can do this kind of work with the SRC)
Her baby teeth had still been in, so a dentist had pulled them all out in one day. No anesthesia. Since that time, she could not remember ever feeling “right”.
The trauma appeared to have blown out- energetically- her electrical system.
So, now we have a new cocktail, POLARITY.
Obviously, she was our test subject.
AND- things are turning around for her.
Monday, April 30, 2018
With receiving SRC stress management day after day, unresolved issues- and even the AMA says STRESS is the root cause of most disease/ “issues”- can clear.
How long this takes will vary, depending on present life force, or voltage.
That's why we've been talking about the HWI circuit- every time we think or say “hell with it” and grab a candy bar, soda,six pack of beer, whatever, life force is diminished.
But enough about that, for now.
What about the people who ARE, to the best of their ability, doing everything right... eating properly- going to endless doctors, both mainstream and alternative, getting energy work, spending a small fortune on gadgets and supplements, exercising, doing various postures such as mentioned yesterday...
At some point they may develop a STRONG HWI CIRCUIT.
Can't blame them.
BUT what might be going on is that they have CHRONIC REVERSED POLARITY.
Some call it SWITCHED.
This is a condition of the body's electrical system where the cellular flow of energy goes in the opposite direction to what s intended.
Among other things, it causes the body to leak energy. This could lead to fatigue or poor resistance to infections. If this doesn't slow the person down, their body may hit them with something more severe.
Plus, you can just about bet they don't have the live force to create the realty they desire.
Symptoms of reversed polarity:
With receiving SRC stress management day after day, unresolved issues- and even the AMA says STRESS is the root cause of most disease/ “issues”- can clear.
How long this takes will vary, depending on present life force, or voltage.
That's why we've been talking about the HWI circuit- every time we think or say “hell with it” and grab a candy bar, soda,six pack of beer, whatever, life force is diminished.
But enough about that, for now.
What about the people who ARE, to the best of their ability, doing everything right... eating properly- going to endless doctors, both mainstream and alternative, getting energy work, spending a small fortune on gadgets and supplements, exercising, doing various postures such as mentioned yesterday...
At some point they may develop a STRONG HWI CIRCUIT.
Can't blame them.
BUT what might be going on is that they have CHRONIC REVERSED POLARITY.
Some call it SWITCHED.
This is a condition of the body's electrical system where the cellular flow of energy goes in the opposite direction to what s intended.
Among other things, it causes the body to leak energy. This could lead to fatigue or poor resistance to infections. If this doesn't slow the person down, their body may hit them with something more severe.
Plus, you can just about bet they don't have the live force to create the realty they desire.
Symptoms of reversed polarity:
Saturday, April 28, 2018
There are some new posts on the energyvisionariesgroup.com site, including a link to sign up for a 9 hour documentary on The Human Longevity Project,
This documentary starts May 8, is free at this point, and looks interesting.
Also, I hope any of you with the software realize how powerful it is for dowsing in decrees and affirmations.
Anyway, moving forward-
Today's image is ME- demonstrating a posture that is said to clear blocks to lymphatic flow.
These pictures are prime examples of how the 5 senses can deceive. I bear a striking resemblance to Jennifer Lawrence. You know, two eyes, nose, hair... but from the picture you might get the idea I had succumbed to the HWI syndrome one too many times.
Anyway, I realized how widespread this syndrome truly is, and thought we should clear as much stress as possible related to it, I didn't expect that the first point of reference for the group would be poor lymphatic drainage.
Makes sense, though, as the lymphatic system is our sewer system.
When one's personal sewer system is backed up, voltage could lower to a point where “hell with it” might be a life- long pattern.
For example:
“I'll have the cheeseburger, fries, and a glass of Cabernet, with the bread pudding for dessert”
(nobody we know would eat like this, stop thinking it could be me)
But the fun is temporary. HWI syndrome can lead to misery and despair.
SO- and no guarantees here-but we're going to see if we can take our voltage to the next level by KICKING HWI SYNDROME.
For starters, it may be time to acknowledge that most detox is not real.
All we're doing is scattering toxins. They fly everywhere, and finally settle in the weakest tissues.
Instead, we have to change some eating patterns. Then, cells automatically detox.
Here's where it gets complicated.. We're bio-computers, filled with circuitry. The “to hell with it circuit” is strong. It's been developing for a long time, even promoted by the media.
Our mission is to build ANOTHER circuit, one where we're in control of what we eat and drink. This doesn't mean we never again have a dessert or pizza or whatever, just that it's not something we're DRIVEN to do.
There are some new posts on the energyvisionariesgroup.com site, including a link to sign up for a 9 hour documentary on The Human Longevity Project,
This documentary starts May 8, is free at this point, and looks interesting.
Also, I hope any of you with the software realize how powerful it is for dowsing in decrees and affirmations.
Anyway, moving forward-
Today's image is ME- demonstrating a posture that is said to clear blocks to lymphatic flow.
These pictures are prime examples of how the 5 senses can deceive. I bear a striking resemblance to Jennifer Lawrence. You know, two eyes, nose, hair... but from the picture you might get the idea I had succumbed to the HWI syndrome one too many times.
Anyway, I realized how widespread this syndrome truly is, and thought we should clear as much stress as possible related to it, I didn't expect that the first point of reference for the group would be poor lymphatic drainage.
Makes sense, though, as the lymphatic system is our sewer system.
When one's personal sewer system is backed up, voltage could lower to a point where “hell with it” might be a life- long pattern.
For example:
“I'll have the cheeseburger, fries, and a glass of Cabernet, with the bread pudding for dessert”
(nobody we know would eat like this, stop thinking it could be me)
But the fun is temporary. HWI syndrome can lead to misery and despair.
SO- and no guarantees here-but we're going to see if we can take our voltage to the next level by KICKING HWI SYNDROME.
For starters, it may be time to acknowledge that most detox is not real.
All we're doing is scattering toxins. They fly everywhere, and finally settle in the weakest tissues.
Instead, we have to change some eating patterns. Then, cells automatically detox.
Here's where it gets complicated.. We're bio-computers, filled with circuitry. The “to hell with it circuit” is strong. It's been developing for a long time, even promoted by the media.
Our mission is to build ANOTHER circuit, one where we're in control of what we eat and drink. This doesn't mean we never again have a dessert or pizza or whatever, just that it's not something we're DRIVEN to do.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Most of us are aware that many of our foods and beverages are loaded with toxins.
Even CIGARETTES have sugar in them.
BUT-- remember the Law of Polarity- for every negative there's a positive.
SO, there's a wide variety of detoxes available-
BUT WAIT - what if “detoxing” just makes things WORSE?
(Some experts say this is the case, that a detox just mills toxins around, and they eventually relocate to the body's weakest tissues.)
Apparently we're supposed to NATURALLY detox, if we just eat the right FOODS.
This would mean no grains, sugars, unsaturated fats. Yeah right.
Because- there's a major challenge.
It turns out toxins have a form of consciousness that can manipulate OUR consciousness so that we eat what THEY love....which would be sugar, grains (which turn to sugar) unsaturated fats, or any combination.
So, NAG, NAG, NAG ...until most people reach a point where they say
Most of us are aware that many of our foods and beverages are loaded with toxins.
Even CIGARETTES have sugar in them.
BUT-- remember the Law of Polarity- for every negative there's a positive.
SO, there's a wide variety of detoxes available-
BUT WAIT - what if “detoxing” just makes things WORSE?
(Some experts say this is the case, that a detox just mills toxins around, and they eventually relocate to the body's weakest tissues.)
Apparently we're supposed to NATURALLY detox, if we just eat the right FOODS.
This would mean no grains, sugars, unsaturated fats. Yeah right.
Because- there's a major challenge.
It turns out toxins have a form of consciousness that can manipulate OUR consciousness so that we eat what THEY love....which would be sugar, grains (which turn to sugar) unsaturated fats, or any combination.
So, NAG, NAG, NAG ...until most people reach a point where they say
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Which paradigm do you want to follow?
The standard model – both mainstream and alternative- says “let's clean out the colon.”
To a point, that's fine.
But there's always an underlying problem, and it's NOT toxic gook in the colon.
It's what we're eating.
Detoxes aren't going to fix THAT.
So here we go- look at all the detox products and services available. Big money-maker.
We figure, “eat what you want, just do regular detoxes”.
More often than not, we periodically start one or another protocol and then don't follow through.
But even if we DO- the toxins will just leave one area, such as the intestines, and mill around in the body until they can find a new home.
The new home will be the body's weakest tissues.
This could be why people who do one detox after another keep having so many problems!
(And just a mention on CLAY detoxes- apparently many of these are LOADED with toxins! Check this out for yourself before going that route!)
All this is concerning on many levels, one of which is that toxins effect DNA.
So, for our group work today- etheric, not physical- I'd started out thinking it would be best to use some specific cellular codes, with the idea of “fixing the cells” on an etheric level.
After all, cells are designed to automatically detox.
Which paradigm do you want to follow?
The standard model – both mainstream and alternative- says “let's clean out the colon.”
To a point, that's fine.
But there's always an underlying problem, and it's NOT toxic gook in the colon.
It's what we're eating.
Detoxes aren't going to fix THAT.
So here we go- look at all the detox products and services available. Big money-maker.
We figure, “eat what you want, just do regular detoxes”.
More often than not, we periodically start one or another protocol and then don't follow through.
But even if we DO- the toxins will just leave one area, such as the intestines, and mill around in the body until they can find a new home.
The new home will be the body's weakest tissues.
This could be why people who do one detox after another keep having so many problems!
(And just a mention on CLAY detoxes- apparently many of these are LOADED with toxins! Check this out for yourself before going that route!)
All this is concerning on many levels, one of which is that toxins effect DNA.
So, for our group work today- etheric, not physical- I'd started out thinking it would be best to use some specific cellular codes, with the idea of “fixing the cells” on an etheric level.
After all, cells are designed to automatically detox.
Monday, April 23, 2018
DEATH BY DETOX? by Cathy D. Slaght
If you want to stay healthy- my opinion- study what our protective governmental bodies say- and then do the opposite.
This isn't an across the board statement, but IS something to think about. For example, the food pyramid seems to be backwards.
A few other points of reference-
The “don't eat salt” command has turned out to cause all kinds of physical problems. When “round peg in square hole doctors” get their patients to add unrefined salt to their diets, their health improves dramatically. Blood pressure even is said to drop!
The decades of “don't eat saturated fats” advice is now revealed to be incorrect.
And all these supplements...did you know many supplement companies are owned by the pharmaceuticals... and...
.. it turns out we may be HARMING ourselves by taking too many. For example, too much fish oil can destabilize the cells, PLUS there's lead and other contaminants in many mainstream health supplements.
SO - one thing about working with software that can gather information beneath the surface of the five senses is that you begin to realize that much of what we believe to be true- primarily because it's been programmed into us by those we trust and respect - is NOT.
Now I check everything for myself, regardless of the level of expertise it comes from.
Interestingly enough, this has worked out well.
So, back in February- the 22nd, to be precise- I started a “chakra detox”. This idea came from ourspirit.com.
If you want to stay healthy- my opinion- study what our protective governmental bodies say- and then do the opposite.
This isn't an across the board statement, but IS something to think about. For example, the food pyramid seems to be backwards.
A few other points of reference-
The “don't eat salt” command has turned out to cause all kinds of physical problems. When “round peg in square hole doctors” get their patients to add unrefined salt to their diets, their health improves dramatically. Blood pressure even is said to drop!
The decades of “don't eat saturated fats” advice is now revealed to be incorrect.
And all these supplements...did you know many supplement companies are owned by the pharmaceuticals... and...
.. it turns out we may be HARMING ourselves by taking too many. For example, too much fish oil can destabilize the cells, PLUS there's lead and other contaminants in many mainstream health supplements.
SO - one thing about working with software that can gather information beneath the surface of the five senses is that you begin to realize that much of what we believe to be true- primarily because it's been programmed into us by those we trust and respect - is NOT.
Now I check everything for myself, regardless of the level of expertise it comes from.
Interestingly enough, this has worked out well.
So, back in February- the 22nd, to be precise- I started a “chakra detox”. This idea came from ourspirit.com.
Friday, April 20, 2018
There's a well known saying, “The Truth Will Set You Free”.
But, this is not referring to MENTAL truth.
In other words, much of what our MINDS tell us is true- is not.
So, yesterday a client came in to get some stress management related to his work.
Problems have escalated within the company. Since he's in management, along with all the additional stress, his hours have now jumped to a point where he doesn't have even 1 full day off.
Because of this he's eating poorly, drinking way too much coffee, and WAS having a few beers at the end of the day to get to sleep – he recently cut that part OUT...
...because he understands how the human energy system operates. Drinking alcohol at bedtime can introduce additional stress, which we'll talk about at a later date.
He also knows there's a solution to every problem, but that HOPING isn't enough. Action is necessary. So, he came in to discover and then clear whatever might be lowering his voltage, since what's coming in isn't what he desires.
He also wanted to run some questions by the SRC.
Via measuring the etheric field, the SRC can give information as to resonance with various people, places, situations, lifestyle patterns- anything you can think of.
Some call it the “psychic machine” because of this - but it's no more psychic than the computer pulling in information from the world wide web.
There's a well known saying, “The Truth Will Set You Free”.
But, this is not referring to MENTAL truth.
In other words, much of what our MINDS tell us is true- is not.
So, yesterday a client came in to get some stress management related to his work.
Problems have escalated within the company. Since he's in management, along with all the additional stress, his hours have now jumped to a point where he doesn't have even 1 full day off.
Because of this he's eating poorly, drinking way too much coffee, and WAS having a few beers at the end of the day to get to sleep – he recently cut that part OUT...
...because he understands how the human energy system operates. Drinking alcohol at bedtime can introduce additional stress, which we'll talk about at a later date.
He also knows there's a solution to every problem, but that HOPING isn't enough. Action is necessary. So, he came in to discover and then clear whatever might be lowering his voltage, since what's coming in isn't what he desires.
He also wanted to run some questions by the SRC.
Via measuring the etheric field, the SRC can give information as to resonance with various people, places, situations, lifestyle patterns- anything you can think of.
Some call it the “psychic machine” because of this - but it's no more psychic than the computer pulling in information from the world wide web.
Continue reading click here http://www.cathydslaght.com/cathyslaghtchatcom/everyones-invited-to-the-party
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