Over the past week, in searching for answers on how to handle what may be intentionally engineered environmental toxicity, I've re-learned that MINERAL BALANCE is crucial for activating our innate ability to solve ANY problem.
It seems minerals serve as antennas for pulling information from the cosmos.
Maybe we could pull in an endless supply of abundance, which we're told surrounds us- with optimal mineral balance!
One somewhat unknown category of mineral supplementation - ORMUS- may offer a whole new dimension to this.
More later- meanwhile, there's information online.
What I want to share first is why I've purchased a box of 20 Mule Team Borax.
We think of it as laundry detergent booster, but it's pure BORON, mined in California, AND:
Boron, a trace mineral, is essential for transmitting signals from cell to cell.
Nearly everyone is deficient.
Fertilizers are the main culprit, because they inhibit the uptake of boron from the soil. Next is phyticacid in baked goods and cereals. Then there's the fact that we typically lose what little boron is left in our vegetables by discarding the cooking water.
We may not recognize any missed signals till they come into the 3D world in the form of muscle stiffness, arthritis, kidney stones, depression, lack of awareness via a petrified/calcified Pineal.
But, as always, let's focus on what we WANT, which would be -
- healthy bones and teeth, optimal metabolism of sex hormones, improvement of heart problems, good vision, control of candida, removal of fluoride and heavy metal, a healthy Pineal gland, maybe even anti-tumor bodily action-
(the clearing of heavy metals may be especially significant at this time, because heavy metals in our own system seem to create resonance with/pull in EMF and other forms of toxicity.)
That's why you might want to step out of your safe space and get a box of 20 MULE TEAM BORAX.
Bathing with it, or even taking a very small amount- 1/8 t- in a glass of water, (do your own research, there's plenty of information online) may create quite a transformation.
Thing is, since the word on this is spreading, some governmental agencies have become concerned about borax toxicity
It's now banned in Europe, for example, compliments of the EU.
But studies show that table salt is 50-100% more toxic than borax. Table salt changes genetic material, while borax is harmless.
What could be wrong with an energetic BOOST, compliments of a little BORAX?
Tomorrow- further investigation.
Meanwhile, for today's group work, we're receiving the energy of boron and other minerals. Also, there are a couple of new cocktails in the VSA.
Details - etheric, not physical
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