Almost titled this- WAKE UP, LOOK UP...
...but that would be counter productive.
There are just too many who refuse to consider the possibility that our weather and/or health is being manipulated by something now known as geoengineering...
(chem trails is not a PC term)
...OR, they acknowledge geoengineering, but believe it must somehow be for our own good.
We all have free will, so that's fine.
BUT- growing numbers have seen documentation on the reality- and adverse effects- of geoengineering and are concerned.
They want to know-
- who's doing this
- which politicians/corporations are supporting it
- what are the health impacts
- is it corporate profit related- pharmaceutical/commodity markets etc-
(after all, control the weather, you control everything!)
They speak out, take pictures, write songs- and are labeled by the mainstream as a bunch of nuts, sometimes even worse.
(no free will for THEM)
BUT, moving forward, maybe the MAJOR concern should be
From what I'm learning, it may inhibit the nutrient uptake of plants, interfere with the nervous system, and, as a result, block awareness.
AND- there may be a connection between fire acceleration properties and certain devastating FIRES.
Check this out for yourself- but know there's always a solution.
Let's start with nutrition. Here's a list of products mentioned online that may help with stress related to geoengineering:
- Miracle 2 soap
- Borax
- Bioage
- Rad-D-Tox
- colloidal silver
- ormus minerals
- zeolite
- mono-atomic iodine
- apple pectin powder
- liposomic vitamin C
- sacred clay
- chlorine dioxide solution
- chlorella
- oxygenated silver
- cilantro
- Kombu seaweed
- pectin
See if it makes sense to add any of these products to your lifestyle. Plenty of information online.
For now I decided to add BORAX and ORMUS MINERALS
Reasons for this tomorrow- also, here's today's screen cast, etheric, not physical
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