Over the past few weeks the group has given some markers related to high blood pressure. Of course this is subtle energy. Today however we asked for 16 hours of focused SRC4U stress management related to blood pressure- and nothing else. Blood pressure is known as the silent killer. It can damage the heart, kidneys, brain, and, of course, lead to a stroke.
With that in mind, you may want to check your BP. The top number represents the amount of pressure when the heart is beating. The bottom is the pressure when the heart is at rest. According to information found online, you should be looking at a number of around 110-120/70-80.
You may also decide to go online and get some information on how to manage high BP. Basically, it boils down to a healthy diet, plenty of water, exercise and of course stress management. Addictive substances- coffee, alcohol, smoking- play a part in stress related to blood pressure.
Here are a few foods that can help- Celery, bananas, spinach, unsalted sunflower seeds, ginger, apples, and even just a little lemon juice!
You're exploring the quantum field, a field of infinite possibilities. The access codes are simply keynotes of vibration. However, with the new freedom and power you're gaining access to will also come a certain level of responsibility. Don't know about you, but I'm going to make a few dietary changes! (one online source said to eat 6 stalks of celery a day to manage high blood pressure- that's where I'm going to start!)
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