Cathy's Blog

Tuesday, May 5, 2015



This morning we requested the Lloyd Mear frequencies for energy and stamina, as well as "cocktails" for injury assistance and kidney. The overall theme was gallbladder. As far as the pro tools go, we asked for the aura scanner. Our crown chakra was extremely weak, which, interestingly enough, along with yesterday's scan, indicates it's time to talk about a topic many consider taboo.

If our 5 senses would allow us to see, just for a moment, what's REALLY going on around us, we'd be shocked. Beyond our sight are forces that have the power, when we're unaware, to manipulate our existence. All the spiritual traditions speak of these energies, but modern man prefers to ignore the subject. In fact, we've been conditioned to think of all this as fiction. But it's reality.

These forces have been called demons, spirit oppressions, curses, implants, etc. You may choose not to believe in or accept this. After all, we have free will. But if your overall vibration is being lowered by the presence of such energy, wouldn't you want to know?

These forces operate as as a vibration, and take you into a low vibration cycle. Often this happens in small increments, until the reality you create is far from what you consciously desire. Some  signs of negative entity influence could be a decline in moral character, poor physical and emotional health, addictive behavior, any desecration of the body, selfishness, greed, base ambition, behavior that is mean, selfish, disloyal, or self sabotaging.

As to how this could come about, recall that we operate much like computers. (except of course we're 
much more powerful.) Just like your computer pulls in information from the world wide web, we as humans pull our information in from the "infinite web", or matrix. But sometimes there are viruses that come in through the world wide web, right? You "tune in" to something that screws up your computer. On an infinite scale, there are lower energies or "virus forms" in the infinite matrix that surrounds us. If your vibration gets caught up in such an energy,  YOUR reality gets screwed up.

When the SCR4U group scan indicates the presence of such energy the next step is to 
SCR4U scan the following list for more specific information.

  • Negative entities (physical body)
  • Negative entities (home/property)
  • Demonic forces
  • Spiritual beings
  • Negative energy patterns at birth
  • Hexes, cures, spells, black magic, bad medicine, witchcraft, curses
  • Pre-historic curses
  • Curses on home or property
  • Spirits of victimization
  • Spirits of co-dependency
  • Spirit of death
  • Psychic cords
  • Implants
  • Feeling wanted at birth
  • Compatibility with birth location
  • Negative beliefs thoughts, memories
  • Vows, Contracts, Agreements
  • Polluted thought patterns
  • Old Issues
  • Lack of desire for improvement
  • Self destruction, judgment, punishment, hate, sabotage
  • Brainwashing and media programming
  • Cellular memory patterns
  • Unworthiness, fear, doubt, shame, guilt
  • Negative input from heritage, culture, religion

Any item with a reading under 1000 is then cleared for 24 hours.

Some say the following activities could invite these negative energies:

  • Paranormal investigative techniques such as working with Ouija boards, tarot, spiritual mediums, séances etc
  • Substance Abuse
  • Gossip or slander
  • Focus on the paranormal via reading, movies, TV
  • Searching for names of entities
  • Casting curses or spells
  • Associating with others who have negative attachments
  • Frequenting places where negative entities abound, for example bars, even certain homes

Can we control what we receive from the matrix? Can we tune in to the higher vibratory energy and block the lower?

The answer is YES. Figuring this out, you could have the power to create a new reality, a new future.  It could go from the most private of concerns-  work, health, prosperity, relationships- all the way to the future of the planet.


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