We are part of an energetic matrix that encompasses every reality. Because of that, often what we see isn't what actually "is". So, with that in mind let me share some thoughts. Our culture seems to devalue both men and women. I base this opinion on what I see through the major media. On television, for example, like on sit-coms, most of the men now look like a bunch of weak, low-life idiots. Am I wrong about this? The implication regarding a woman is that she's only powerful if she's young, beautiful and, preferably, not wearing many clothes.
But - again my perception- in these times more negativity seems to be associated with masculinity than femininity. And this I DO know: we need a balance in these energies, the yin and the yang. The media, which any conscious person knows shapes us beyond our wildest imaginings, seems to have an agenda regarding this "gender blame game". In many cases, information has been intentionally misrepresented to make women look like victims and/or male victims invisible. For example, did you know that 1/2 of family abuse victims are male? (Males are less likely to report abuse, so there could be more.) Are you aware that 79% of all murder victims are men? (Tell that to Lifetime TV!) And have you ever looked at the difference in sentencing guidelines between men and women? Men get much harsher sentences for the same crimes. (except for on SNAPPED)
So, both sexes have issues that need to be addressed. But this "all men are dangerous to women" influence and "it's time for men to be oppressed now", or the anger that wants to strip masculinity away from men... has the power to destroy us. That's why I don't want to be a "feminist". Masculine power is a positive thing. You are not powerful because someone else is weak. Stripping someone else's power actually lowers your own vibration.
Yet I see the feminists point. There were those who subdued female power, or at least that was the appearance in our visible world. (truthfully, I believe we were just building our power up for the right time) Women, starting with Eve, got blamed for the fall of man, and it was pretty much downhill from there. Many women have lived their entire life believing it would have been better to be a man, that the birth of a girl child was a disappointment. And yes, there were inequities in many areas. There's still abuse, but guess what- women abuse men too! This male/female stress seems to be a part of the world dynamics. But take away our female power? Never. No force could do that. The power of the female spirit is indomitable. Part of the challenge is that we have scripts running in the subconscious mind about whether or not we should claim this power.
At this time, though, we as women may be in the process of doing just that. We must, because it's very
likely going to be women who shift the course of humanity. We're on a dangerous track. Future generations are at risk. Taking charge may, at first, feel like anger, and cause some to want revenge towards what they consider to be the sources of oppression. That will only take us down. Some may want to disconnect from their own femininity, but that's the wrong direction too- because, again, there isn't anything more powerful than female energy. AS powerful? Yes- male energy is as powerful. But MORE? Not a chance. Let's kick it in. And yes, you boys can help.
Our food industry may be broken, our politicians may be bought, but the women are not. (except for those who enter public office. of course)
And one more thing. After careful consideration, I have decided to make myself available to give one or more $500,000 speeches. Let me repeat, I'm available. I know these gigs are available. All proceeds go to:
Saturday, May 9, 2015
There are men and women who are put in place to represent we, the people. (We, the people being the ones getting so sick from consuming hazardous food and beverages.) So, where are they in this ongoing struggle against a broken food industry? Why aren't they speaking up, introducing some legislation regarding aspartame, for example, or supporting the labeling of genetically modified foods?
Look in the direction of the corporations. Our politicians have, for the most part, sold their souls to the
corporate structure. Selling your soul, in many spiritual traditions, means losing the right to choose. We, as human beings, have that basic right. It's what separates us from animals. It's called free will. Perhaps after taking money and perks from corporations our politicians have lost the ability to choose how they vote.
I'm no expert on how all this works. But just one thought - our representatives are paid extremely high fees for giving speeches. When said fee is in the neighborhood of many thousands of $$, it's obviously a bribe of some sort .(After all, what kind of speech could possibly be worth that kind of money? Seems like even $500,000 a speech is available to those who have sufficient power to sway the masses.) Then of course we have the lobbyists, hedge funds, and so on. It's way over my head, because we're talking big money here. You can find some basic information online, especially about who takes money and who doesn't. Because of low integrity among the major media journalists, you probably won't find out any other way. Here's one link regarding who has accepted money from Monsanto:
This has been going on for decades and shows no sign of slowing down. And it's not about judgment. The emotion of judgment is extremely toxic. Who knows, maybe you'd be the same way. If you knew you were getting major financial compensation from the corporations, you might play ball with them too. So drop the judgment, it only brings your vibration down. However, we have to be aware of the reality of the situation if we have any intention of ever changing it.
And there IS good news. Citizens are tired of the hypocrisy of our representatives, especially on the issue of genetically modified foods. Our most important votes are cast every day at the cash register. We can purchase only organic, eat at the restaurants that ban GMO (go Chipotle!) and change our system. We want to hold on to OUR souls, OUR power of choice.
One challenge is that organic food is more costly. So, for this mother's day weekend our clearings are going to focus on financial abundance. And remember, on the home page of this site, at the bottom under this symbol < are frequencies for prosperity. Print them out, put them under your checkbook, mattress, pillow etc. If you don't have a printer, just write them down. We are in a mathematical universe. It's all numbers. Change your physics!
There are men and women who are put in place to represent we, the people. (We, the people being the ones getting so sick from consuming hazardous food and beverages.) So, where are they in this ongoing struggle against a broken food industry? Why aren't they speaking up, introducing some legislation regarding aspartame, for example, or supporting the labeling of genetically modified foods?
Look in the direction of the corporations. Our politicians have, for the most part, sold their souls to the
corporate structure. Selling your soul, in many spiritual traditions, means losing the right to choose. We, as human beings, have that basic right. It's what separates us from animals. It's called free will. Perhaps after taking money and perks from corporations our politicians have lost the ability to choose how they vote.
I'm no expert on how all this works. But just one thought - our representatives are paid extremely high fees for giving speeches. When said fee is in the neighborhood of many thousands of $$, it's obviously a bribe of some sort .(After all, what kind of speech could possibly be worth that kind of money? Seems like even $500,000 a speech is available to those who have sufficient power to sway the masses.) Then of course we have the lobbyists, hedge funds, and so on. It's way over my head, because we're talking big money here. You can find some basic information online, especially about who takes money and who doesn't. Because of low integrity among the major media journalists, you probably won't find out any other way. Here's one link regarding who has accepted money from Monsanto:
This has been going on for decades and shows no sign of slowing down. And it's not about judgment. The emotion of judgment is extremely toxic. Who knows, maybe you'd be the same way. If you knew you were getting major financial compensation from the corporations, you might play ball with them too. So drop the judgment, it only brings your vibration down. However, we have to be aware of the reality of the situation if we have any intention of ever changing it.
And there IS good news. Citizens are tired of the hypocrisy of our representatives, especially on the issue of genetically modified foods. Our most important votes are cast every day at the cash register. We can purchase only organic, eat at the restaurants that ban GMO (go Chipotle!) and change our system. We want to hold on to OUR souls, OUR power of choice.
One challenge is that organic food is more costly. So, for this mother's day weekend our clearings are going to focus on financial abundance. And remember, on the home page of this site, at the bottom under this symbol < are frequencies for prosperity. Print them out, put them under your checkbook, mattress, pillow etc. If you don't have a printer, just write them down. We are in a mathematical universe. It's all numbers. Change your physics!
Yesterday our group took 16 hours of stress management related to high blood pressure. What that meant, of course, was that the etheric field was indicating a state of imbalance regarding this issue. However, if the etheric field, which is our blueprint, stays out of balance long enough the issue will then transfer to matter, i.e. the physical. Once you realize how all this really works, you see that no dis-ease comes out of the blue. A state of imbalance remains, first, in the blueprint, sometimes for years. That's why a daily energy clearing can be so proactive.
Unfortunately most wait until they're actually having symptoms to start paying attention to their health. Then their battle may be more arduous. And there IS a different was to go about all this. (after all, if you don't have your health, what do you have?) You can begin to acquire knowledge about your body and how it functions. I can personally cite many situations where people cleared serious health issues by becoming knowledgeable about what was actually going on in their body. This doesn't mean they didn't need a medical doctor. It meant they worked WITH their doctor, as any responsible human being would.
And responsibility is what it's about. For example, did you do any research on your own yet regarding high blood pressure? Plenty of info online. You don't want to mess with high blood pressure- many times medication is necessary. However if some changes in habits of daily living could prevent the entire problem, would you be interested?
Something else you might want to look into is diet soda. That's because of the aspartame it contains.
Back in 1981 aspartame was introduced to the food industry, even though it had a high level of opposition. After all, there were 92 separate health problems linked to its consumption. But even that long ago corporations were really running the show, so it got through.
By 1984 the CDC (center for disease control) and FDA were brought together because of the side effects that were occurring from this new product. It was discovered that the aspartame creates formaldehyde when it hits 86 degrees- and hello, average body temperature hovers around 98+. This pesky formaldehyde was interfering with DNA replication, leading to mutations and cancer tumors. But it was such a money maker- the combination of aspartame and caffeine had lead to an ongoing dependency for many- that it was not removed from the market. Go online if you want more information, it's all there.
Bottom line, our food industry is broken. If you really want to enjoy optimal health, you may want to learn more about what you're eating and drinking . Interestingly enough, many, as personal vibration increases, seem to be drawn to do just that.
Today what appeared to be "holding us down" was stress regarding body salts. We also asked for the "boilerplate" cocktail, which is related to strengthening the system. Don't know what body salts are? Look it up. :)
Yesterday our group took 16 hours of stress management related to high blood pressure. What that meant, of course, was that the etheric field was indicating a state of imbalance regarding this issue. However, if the etheric field, which is our blueprint, stays out of balance long enough the issue will then transfer to matter, i.e. the physical. Once you realize how all this really works, you see that no dis-ease comes out of the blue. A state of imbalance remains, first, in the blueprint, sometimes for years. That's why a daily energy clearing can be so proactive.
Unfortunately most wait until they're actually having symptoms to start paying attention to their health. Then their battle may be more arduous. And there IS a different was to go about all this. (after all, if you don't have your health, what do you have?) You can begin to acquire knowledge about your body and how it functions. I can personally cite many situations where people cleared serious health issues by becoming knowledgeable about what was actually going on in their body. This doesn't mean they didn't need a medical doctor. It meant they worked WITH their doctor, as any responsible human being would.
And responsibility is what it's about. For example, did you do any research on your own yet regarding high blood pressure? Plenty of info online. You don't want to mess with high blood pressure- many times medication is necessary. However if some changes in habits of daily living could prevent the entire problem, would you be interested?
Something else you might want to look into is diet soda. That's because of the aspartame it contains.
Back in 1981 aspartame was introduced to the food industry, even though it had a high level of opposition. After all, there were 92 separate health problems linked to its consumption. But even that long ago corporations were really running the show, so it got through.
By 1984 the CDC (center for disease control) and FDA were brought together because of the side effects that were occurring from this new product. It was discovered that the aspartame creates formaldehyde when it hits 86 degrees- and hello, average body temperature hovers around 98+. This pesky formaldehyde was interfering with DNA replication, leading to mutations and cancer tumors. But it was such a money maker- the combination of aspartame and caffeine had lead to an ongoing dependency for many- that it was not removed from the market. Go online if you want more information, it's all there.
Bottom line, our food industry is broken. If you really want to enjoy optimal health, you may want to learn more about what you're eating and drinking . Interestingly enough, many, as personal vibration increases, seem to be drawn to do just that.
Today what appeared to be "holding us down" was stress regarding body salts. We also asked for the "boilerplate" cocktail, which is related to strengthening the system. Don't know what body salts are? Look it up. :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
WALKING TIME BOMB by Cathy D. Slaght

Over the past few weeks the group has given some markers related to high blood pressure. Of course this is subtle energy. Today however we asked for 16 hours of focused SRC4U stress management related to blood pressure- and nothing else. Blood pressure is known as the silent killer. It can damage the heart, kidneys, brain, and, of course, lead to a stroke.
With that in mind, you may want to check your BP. The top number represents the amount of pressure when the heart is beating. The bottom is the pressure when the heart is at rest. According to information found online, you should be looking at a number of around 110-120/70-80.
You may also decide to go online and get some information on how to manage high BP. Basically, it boils down to a healthy diet, plenty of water, exercise and of course stress management. Addictive substances- coffee, alcohol, smoking- play a part in stress related to blood pressure.
Here are a few foods that can help- Celery, bananas, spinach, unsalted sunflower seeds, ginger, apples, and even just a little lemon juice!
You're exploring the quantum field, a field of infinite possibilities. The access codes are simply keynotes of vibration. However, with the new freedom and power you're gaining access to will also come a certain level of responsibility. Don't know about you, but I'm going to make a few dietary changes! (one online source said to eat 6 stalks of celery a day to manage high blood pressure- that's where I'm going to start!)
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015
This morning we requested the Lloyd Mear frequencies for energy and stamina, as well as "cocktails" for injury assistance and kidney. The overall theme was gallbladder. As far as the pro tools go, we asked for the aura scanner. Our crown chakra was extremely weak, which, interestingly enough, along with yesterday's scan, indicates it's time to talk about a topic many consider taboo.
If our 5 senses would allow us to see, just for a moment, what's REALLY going on around us, we'd be shocked. Beyond our sight are forces that have the power, when we're unaware, to manipulate our existence. All the spiritual traditions speak of these energies, but modern man prefers to ignore the subject. In fact, we've been conditioned to think of all this as fiction. But it's reality.
These forces have been called demons, spirit oppressions, curses, implants, etc. You may choose not to believe in or accept this. After all, we have free will. But if your overall vibration is being lowered by the presence of such energy, wouldn't you want to know?
These forces operate as as a vibration, and take you into a low vibration cycle. Often this happens in small increments, until the reality you create is far from what you consciously desire. Some signs of negative entity influence could be a decline in moral character, poor physical and emotional health, addictive behavior, any desecration of the body, selfishness, greed, base ambition, behavior that is mean, selfish, disloyal, or self sabotaging.
As to how this could come about, recall that we operate much like computers. (except of course we're much more powerful.) Just like your computer pulls in information from the world wide web, we as humans pull our information in from the "infinite web", or matrix. But sometimes there are viruses that come in through the world wide web, right? You "tune in" to something that screws up your computer. On an infinite scale, there are lower energies or "virus forms" in the infinite matrix that surrounds us. If your vibration gets caught up in such an energy, YOUR reality gets screwed up.

When the SCR4U group scan indicates the presence of such energy the next step is to SCR4U scan the following list for more specific information.
- Negative entities (physical body)
- Negative entities (home/property)
- Demonic forces
- Spiritual beings
- Negative energy patterns at birth
- Hexes, cures, spells, black magic, bad medicine, witchcraft, curses
- Pre-historic curses
- Curses on home or property
- Spirits of victimization
- Spirits of co-dependency
- Spirit of death
- Psychic cords
- Implants
- Feeling wanted at birth
- Compatibility with birth location
- Negative beliefs thoughts, memories
- Vows, Contracts, Agreements
- Polluted thought patterns
- Old Issues
- Lack of desire for improvement
- Self destruction, judgment, punishment, hate, sabotage
- Brainwashing and media programming
- Cellular memory patterns
- Unworthiness, fear, doubt, shame, guilt
- Negative input from heritage, culture, religion
Any item with a reading under 1000 is then cleared for 24 hours.
Some say the following activities could invite these negative energies:
- Paranormal investigative techniques such as working with Ouija boards, tarot, spiritual mediums, séances etc
- Substance Abuse
- Gossip or slander
- Focus on the paranormal via reading, movies, TV
- Searching for names of entities
- Casting curses or spells
- Associating with others who have negative attachments
- Frequenting places where negative entities abound, for example bars, even certain homes
Can we control what we receive from the matrix? Can we tune in to the higher vibratory energy and block the lower?
The answer is YES. Figuring this out, you could have the power to create a new reality, a new future. It could go from the most private of concerns- work, health, prosperity, relationships- all the way to the future of the planet.
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