Cathy's Blog

Thursday, March 29, 2018



Yesterday was telling a friend about the tapping experience of 7 years ago- retelling, I should say- and suggested she and I start tapping on a regular basis.

Because, for some reason, once I got the money for the wedding I stopped tapping! I think I was in somewhat of a state of puzzlement over what had happened. But, also, how many times do we do something that WORKS- and then back off?

Anyway, was hoping she and I could be accountability partners- but she said “This couldn't possibly work. You obviously already had that account and it was just a coincidence. I don't have any money to pull from ANYTHING.”

I don't want to force the issue, but truth is we don't know exactly how A LOT of things work, even much of the frequency technology we take for granted, like cell phones and the internet.

And, WE are far more sophisticated gadgets than anything man has ever created. According to Dr. Dawson Church, our connective tissue is like quartz- and tapping sends out a message to the Cosmos. Interestingly enough, quartz wafers are in most computer technology, too.

IF everything is available in the Cosmos, in frequency/informational form, - why couldn't we pull in what we need, like a computer pulls in information from the world-wide web?

It could be we're afraid to try.

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