Cathy's Blog

Saturday, May 9, 2015



Yesterday our group took 16 hours of  stress management related to high blood pressure.  What that meant, of course, was that the etheric field was indicating a state of imbalance regarding this issue. However, if the etheric field, which is our blueprint, stays out of balance long enough the issue will then transfer to matter, i.e. the physical. Once you realize how all this really works, you see that no dis-ease comes out of the blue. A state of imbalance remains, first, in the blueprint, sometimes for years. That's why a daily energy clearing can be so proactive.

Unfortunately most wait until they're actually having symptoms to start paying attention to their health. Then their battle may be more arduous. And there IS a different was to go about all this. (after all, if you don't have your health, what do you have?) You can begin to acquire knowledge about your body and how it functions. I can personally cite many  situations where people cleared serious health issues by becoming knowledgeable about what was actually going on in their body. This doesn't mean they didn't need a medical doctor. It meant they worked WITH their doctor, as any responsible human being would. 

And responsibility is what it's about. For example, did you do any research on your own yet regarding high blood pressure? Plenty of info online.  You don't want to mess with high blood pressure- many times medication is necessary. However if some changes in  habits of daily living could prevent the entire problem, would you be interested?

Something else you might want to look into is diet soda. That's because of the aspartame it contains.
Back in 1981 aspartame was introduced to the food industry, even though it had a high level of opposition. After all, there were 92 separate health problems linked to its consumption. But even that long ago corporations were really running the show, so it got through. 

By 1984 the  CDC (center for disease control) and FDA were brought together because of the side effects that were occurring from this new product. It was discovered that the aspartame creates  formaldehyde when it hits 86 degrees- and hello, average body temperature hovers around 98+. This pesky formaldehyde was interfering with DNA replication, leading to mutations and cancer tumors. But it was such a money maker-  the combination of aspartame and caffeine had lead to an ongoing dependency for many- that it was not removed from the market.   Go online if you want more information, it's all there.  

Bottom line, our food industry is broken. If you really want to enjoy optimal health, you may want to learn more about what you're eating and drinking . Interestingly enough, many, as personal vibration increases, seem to be drawn to do just that.

Today what appeared to be "holding us down" was stress regarding body salts. We also asked for the "boilerplate" cocktail, which is related to strengthening the system. Don't know what body salts are? Look it up. :)

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